Forum Activity for @ptmembership

03/10/24 08:32:55PM
459 posts

My Cosmicat 'Lovers Game' REMIX contest entry

Let us hear you!

Big sound!! Good luck with the comp joyful-2

03/10/24 08:31:52PM
459 posts

Microphone Recording

Member Content Requests

A decent condenser is recommended. And a pop shield! Although you can just use some tights over a coat hanger if you want to be old school!

RODE are a quality home studio brand, although there are cheaper, nice alternatives too.

03/10/24 08:28:52PM
459 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #1 - Designing a Huge EDM Pad with Vital


You didn't have to wait long for the next part of this series btw - Part 2 OUT NOW!

03/10/24 08:28:05PM
459 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #1 - Designing a Huge EDM Pad with Vital


Vital is very much the synth of the moment, along with Phase Plant I would say. I love both! These days, I would say go for Vital over Serum, although Serum does have a lot of great presets yes. Vital offers a bit more and is really user friendly. They are closely-matched though! 

03/01/24 07:36:46PM
459 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #1 - Designing a Huge EDM Pad with Vital


Brand new bonus tutorial for members this week. Part 1 of a new series looking at Future Rave. This first part shows how to build a massive pad sound from the ground up with Vital. 

Check it HERE.

The plan is to make a lengthy series that looks at sound design, composition, arranging, mixing and lots more! Look out for part 2 over the coming weeks...

03/01/24 07:33:50PM
459 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


Just uploaded the first tutorial in a new Future Rave series, which ticks off quite a few of your requests already Petter. I think you'll enjoy this series!

By the way, Simon M, we have sooo many tutorials on Ableton, I wouldn't really know where to start! What areas would you like more help on? We're also about to start a brand new Ableton 12 course programme, beginners and advanced - hopefully side by side. Releases will be staggered throughout the year. In the meantime though, if there are any specific bits you're finding tricky, let us know and we can address them in bonus tuts and streams...

02/29/24 09:26:49AM
459 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


Some great suggestions thanks Petter!

Seppa's done a few courses with Vital actually. Did you check out the Advanced Guide to Synthesis

I'll try and address all those points in the upcoming bonus tutorials... happy-9

02/26/24 04:34:44PM
459 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


Hey y'all!

Don't forget if you have any areas you're struggling with or want to know more about, let us know here in the forum and we can try to provide some content for you... 

We're in the process of planning out a few new series for you, but happy to receive any requests too! 

02/22/24 07:34:59PM
459 posts

Member Livestream Tomorrow! Thursday 22nd Feb 18.00 GMT


Really sorry about the annoying connection issues everyone! Glad to see you on Zoom though, everyone who made it. Massive apologies anyone who didn't realise and missed out! 
