More Housey' practice - All I Ever Wanted

11 months ago
100 posts

Been working on transitions and effects a bit - and playing around with various plugins to find out what they do :)

It is quite possible I've over-processed this one ... :O

All I Ever Wanted cover.jpg

11 months ago
265 posts

I really like this! The thing that stands out to me most is the progression across the track. It feels like there is several distinct sections (that all fit well together), so it keeps it interesting throughout. Good arranging.

I'd say the mix is pretty good, but the whole thing may be a tad muddy. Might be worth looking at the whole track on a spectrum analyser, and I suspect you'll see quite a lot of frequency bunching up around the 3-400 hz mark. Might be worth EQing some of the mid-range synths. That being said, the drums are super smooth, the bass is well balanced as well. Maybe the hats/high end could have a bit more sheen?

Still, really good, and I'm a big fan of all you've been posting recently

11 months ago
100 posts

Thank you very much Sam!! goofy-4

Quite happy with the arrangement actually, so great you think it's good too.

I made (and uploaded) a few adjustments as you suggested, and I think it does sound better. Working these frequencies is a bit like wrapping an inflated balloon in paper that's just a little too small I feel - always something else poking out when you think you've got it ... 
Thought I was rather brutal low cutting the synths and other stuff, but tried to turn it up to savage instead. My analyser originally suggested quite good balance, and now it actually dips a bit from 250 to about 1k or so.

Also added a bit to the top end of hats and cymbals. High frequencies are difficult too - I feel it's getting harsh really quickly, especially on my monitors. But there's lots of top-end to dance music these days. Maybe it just translates better to less good soundsystems, like cars, airpods and such? I found mine sounds a lot better now on my airpods at least, even if it's a little too much on my monitors ...

11 months ago
454 posts

I agree with Sam. The mix is basically good but a bit muddy and lacking in clarity. The kick is quite dull as well - it could use a touch more transient bite and top end. It sounds a bit set apart from everything else the way it is.

The low mids are an important area of the spectrum when it comes to the mix and can be a tricky one to get right. Too much and it can sound really cluttered and muddy. Too little and it can sound thin. Some parts in the mix sound like they could use a bit of fattening up or excitement to compensate for this, particularly some of the drums.

I'd actually be interested to hear a fat (Deep or Tech) House drop from you that doesn't have any synths or accompanying melodies. You're clearly very good at composing and arranging but the beats and bass are the weaker part of the track. Maybe try a new track that's ultra minimal and just has beats and bass, and maybe some FX or some higher frequency elements but not loads that will mask the groove elements - see how fat and full you can make the groove sound without any support first, and then add all the lush melodies and supporting sounds in afterwards. But send us the groove before you do that so we can comment on it.... it should be easier to hear what needs the most work if you do that too.

11 months ago
100 posts

Top feedback Rob!! Really appreciate it.
I need loads more practice still, but yeah, I feel a little more comfortable with arrangement than the other stuff in production ... 
All the small pointers on what to specifically improve is incredibly helpful at this point though - lots more ear training to do for me too before I can properly hear everything.


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