59 topics admin

General Producer Chat

» Anything music or production related that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.

31 topics SamuelClouston

DAW or Software Questions

» Software-specific questions, e.g. on Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Maschine, Loopcloud....

145 topics UtobiaNZ


» Latest news, coming soon and more.

92 topics admin

Let us hear you!

» Share your music and projects here.... we'd love to hear the fruits of your labour and provide feedback if you'd like...

2 topics admin

Collaborative Space

» Find other members to make music with, start group projects and collaborate.

1 topics chechochimes

Guides to the Producertech Site

» Some helpful threads for navigating the Producertech site and getting the most out of the learning experience.

30 topics simon unsigned

Member Content Requests

» A place to ask for content on certain software, production techniques or whatever you're needing help with.

36 topics admin


» A place for discussions either side of livestreams, with members and tutors.

2 topics admin


» A place for all things Loopcloud.... ask questions, share tips, sessions and patterns, and generally get help or inspiration!
