Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

05/07/24 02:05:20PM
260 posts

Zeta5 - New Track

Let us hear you!


Hey both, thanks for the positive comments, appreciate it!

@samuelclouston - I always want to try and blur the genre lines a bit. I agree the baseline is very trance based, probably quite Psy in nature, which I like in my tracks but I always want to bring in the uplifting, melodic vibes to really contrast parts of my track from one another. 

On the Synths, the main lead is actually a sample, but the arpeggiated one is from the Hybrid3 and there is also a new synth I have just bought in there, the string type tension sound, which is from Spire. I have not had much chance to play with this yet so I am excited to see what it can bring to my productions. 

I have used Hybrid 3 loads and whilst I like it, I need to learn synthesis a bit more to get the most from it! 


I think the mixing of genres and blurring the lines is what creativity is all about. With the internet and categories, I've always come across a lot of genre purists (having been one myself!) and realising over time that melding and experimenting is the way forward - and is how you create fresh music and potentially new genres!

Ahh Hybrid 3 - superrrrr great synth with fantastic controls and a great bank of presets - and I remember it often goes fo only £1 on Plugin Boutique, absolute steal.

Keep up the good work!

05/02/24 12:06:45PM
260 posts


General Producer Chat

Just heard this... wow. Proper bitta old school house with modern production. Those keys/pads are so euphoric, Good ole Kerri

04/30/24 02:54:34PM
260 posts

New EDM Samples for Members!


Tasty indeed! Downloaded. Gonna run out of space with all these free stuff soon lol

04/30/24 02:39:37PM
260 posts

For fans of the Wicker Man

Let us hear you!


man this is sick! warm glitched out and wonky. also checked out some of your jungle/breakbeat stuff - sooo good! big om unit / paradox vibes- loving it :D


Thank you! Glad you like it :D

And cheers, yeah I did a batch upload of unreleased stuff bc I wanted to get it out there - will upload more in here soon!

04/30/24 02:38:55PM
260 posts

Zeta5 - New Track

Let us hear you!

I agree with Petter, what synths do you use?

04/30/24 02:38:41PM
260 posts

Zeta5 - New Track

Let us hear you!

As per usual, your track is great Manix. I'm always excited to hear what you've been cooking up! I know you've tagged it as melodic techno, and I'd say this is almost blurs into trance, due to the interplay of the kick and bass, which I'm always a big fan of. Lots of huge, emotional euphoric synths and pulsing basslines. Right up my street

04/30/24 01:11:30PM
260 posts

Tech House practice - Trippin'

Let us hear you!

Hey Petter this is great!

I know you said you had an initial goal which was to be minimal, but at the end of the day, if you have a good idea, just go with the flow and let that creativity out! And it's worked really well.

You've obviously got a natural musical style, with good ear for arrangement (the interplay between bass, beats, horn/synths and vocals), and the mixdown, as well as making the track flow without getting stale/boring.

Honestly really good! Not much I could say in terms of improvement. perhaps the hi hats are a bit low quality? That could be some kind of down-compression on the site though, unsure.

Keep it up!

04/30/24 01:06:17PM
260 posts

Spanish Inspired Tech House

Let us hear you!

[quote="Diode J"]

thanks @samuelclouston.  Need to do some minor edits in the arrangement as well.   Thanks on the mix advice.  Ive noticed my kicks can be a bit thumpy.  High End can be a funny one too.  Yeah its my track


Yeah small mix advice aside, I'm a big fan. Any kinda organic sampling (like the guitar in your track) is always a massive thumbs up from me. Looking forward to hearing more from you!

04/22/24 10:47:52AM
260 posts

For fans of the Wicker Man

Let us hear you!

Not sure if anyone else in here is a wicker man nut like me, and have sadly let it shape your life a little too much (lol), but I recently sampled the soundtrack song 'lullaby' into a dreamy sort of ambient house track called 'Midsummer', and because of the original samples beautiful descending Dorian melody, it became a study in modes, and I tried to write as many interlocking polyphonic melodies to get a real dreamy feel. Let me know what you think!

Also run through my friend's Reel to Reel tape machine for fun

04/22/24 10:40:20AM
260 posts

Tech House practice - Trippin'

Let us hear you!


Trying my luck with some tech house style - while watching Simon Shackleton's course (which is really good btw!)

Since Rob encouraged me to start off with the groove only, I hereby oblige. This is the beats and bass from what I hope will be the drop section (gonna be 16+16, but only included 8+8).

Drums are samples I found and processed a bit. Bass rhythm is adapted from a sample, but I used two instances of Vital to create the sound for it - and of course some EQ, compressors and distortion.

Now waiting with bated breath for the 'judgement' creepy


Hey this is great!

I know it's just a clip from a section, but it sounds very strong. The drums and bass, the essential heart of a track, are pretty damn good here. Simple, catchy and groovy, with nice punch.

I don't think we can do too much artistic judgement til we here the finished track...
