Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

04/17/24 02:53:30PM
260 posts



Thanks Simon! Was a pleasure hearing from a pro like yourself :)

04/15/24 04:49:54PM
260 posts

Using electric bass as a sound design tool

General Producer Chat

I recently bought a bass guitar, and I was wondering if anyone has experimented with playing in a bassline, then messing with it to get something wholly un-analog sounding. Let me know!

04/15/24 04:45:47PM
260 posts

Spanish Inspired Tech House

Let us hear you!

[quote="Diode J"]

Clint Eastwood Vibes, Spagetti Westernz

Listen to Latin Bass Relick.wav by DiD GT on #SoundCloud


Nice one! Is this your track?

Loving the spanish guitary licks, and general jackin' vibe of the song. Got some nice bass sound design going on there too. 

The mix may need a bit of work, it seems a little messy in the high end - maybe EQ some of the hi hats off a bit. Kick is a bit too thumpy too, so could be edited a little. maybe just volume. Rob will probably have more specific advice!

Also, if you like spaghetti-western bass house, you'll like this absolute banger I used to play alot:

04/15/24 04:41:35PM
260 posts

Future Rave Tutorial #4 - Trance Chords


Yessss, thanks! This is like an entire free course! I've been following it since part 1... hopefully I'll get something uploaded based on what I've learnt.

04/15/24 04:40:39PM
260 posts


General Producer Chat

[quote="simon unsigned"]

I'll chip in with a couple of golden oldies, these stick out for me as a couple of tracks that always kicked a bit harder than the rest on a club system or warehouse

Renegade Soundwave - The Phantom

Dee Patten - Who's the Badman


Woah - I can't believe I've never heard that Renegade Soundwave tune before - done a few deep dives into the history of electronic music but somehow I missed that. Proper sick though. Can hear Jungle, Techno & Electro vibes in there, even some Aphex Twin.

Love that Dee Patten tune too - always been partial to bit of 'ardkore!

Keep em coming everyone!

04/11/24 11:55:46AM
260 posts

Ambient/Euphoric Breaks Track

Let us hear you!


Cool tune. To my still untrained ears there seems to be a little too much harsh frequencies - especially in the intro which is otherwise very mellow ambient. When the beat comes in, it feels too busy to me. Possibly needing some level adjustments, as it seems everything fights a bit?

I think if you mix it over and give it more of that lovely 'liquid' sound you had on the other track, this would be really nice though. 

If I can humbly give a tip to try; at the breakdown 3:40, wait with the main bass synth, let it settle a bit and then filter it in along with other elements to get a bit more contrast in arrangement. And more filtering + automation throughout. I love automation, it gives such lovely movement through the song, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it, kind of :D


Thanks for the really detailed feedback Petter, suuuuper useful!

I have listened to that song so many times I couldn't really hear it for what it was anymore.

You're definitely right about the high end being harsh - I think it's a particular tambourine sample I've layered (I find tambourine samples are always pretty nasty when it comes to harsh high end freqs). I might eq it or just swap it out completely.

Good tip about automation too. If I'm right in remembering, I created this track as a live set, so it's blocked out in a rudimentary way - automation would do a world of wonders to keep a bit more movement and flow.

Again, really appreciate your support and advice. Will remix and get your ears on it again in future. 

04/11/24 11:48:14AM
260 posts

Future Rave Tutorial #3 - Making the Drums



Guetta is good! 
I love the sound of this set. Massive, lush and still so crisp.  

[/quote]Yeah I grew up with his big hits and still enjoy them to this day. Like many of his companions, it took me a while to realise that they were originally a good underground DJ who capitalised on their success, which is absolutely fair. But once they've completed the mainstream game, they can come back and do what they love best

04/11/24 11:46:34AM
260 posts


General Producer Chat

I hope this topic picks up... already been introduced to an insane banger!

04/11/24 11:44:52AM
260 posts


General Producer Chat



Nice idea!

Here's my submission to the Hall of BANGERS. This has long been a favourite track of mine, and there's many things about it that I'd like to know how to produce.

Firstly is the sort of general squelchy, warm, bubble bath feeling that this track has. I'm not sure what it is but maybe very subtle filtering? Not sure...

Also, on the drums section you have some breaks, not too complicated, but the beats that precede the breaks (0:47-1:31) - they have a really intersting timbre and I was wondering if they are a sample, a drum machine - they just seem to sound so organic and not rigid.

I'd recommend everyone check out Skee Mask's album Compro - it's a masterpiece.

[/quote] yess skee mask! obsessed with this guy's sound, amazing atmosphere and textures. this tune is unreal -


ooooo! I hadn't heard that one. I'm clearly a fake fan!

Absolutely gawjus though. I love the mixture of 90s percussion, burial esque pads (but that are even nicer and warmer than Burial), with some of the best mixing/tone in the game. Seriously underrated. You can listen to his tunes in a packed club and on your own in your bedroom or the bath, and they work equally well in both!

updated by @samuelclouston: 04/11/24 11:46:17AM
04/08/24 03:55:30PM
260 posts

Future Rave Tutorial #3 - Making the Drums



So many things I need to learn properly - drums obviously another one 😅
This is gonna be an epic series! 

Can't wait till I'm creating stuff sounding like this:

(yeah, I'm rather boring mainstream 😂)


Woah - no mind if you consider that mainstream, it's EPIC. I just listened to the whole thing, proper thumping tracks, and insane desert visuals
