Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

05/20/24 12:58:11PM
260 posts

Thoughts on the mix

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Hi Tone

Another banging track and improvement from ya - big congrats. I'd say this is your most accomplished and confident track yet! Love the synthesized vocals too, pretty amazing what the tech can do now

I won't repeat anything Petter said as that's all good advice.

I'd say it sounds a little over compressed in certain parts, although that may be a volume thing. It sounds like the whole track is kinda being squashed at times, so maybe check on your compressor limiter and check that you're not over compressing stuff (I often find that somewhere between 2-4 db of reduction is the sweet spot where you are actually doing some compressing, but you can't notice it).

I'd also recommend bringing the vocal down, or the rest of the track up at 1:04, as there's suddenly a jump from the section before, which is well balanced, to a big gulf in volume between the music and the vocal.

That being said, great track, incredibly musical (love the key changes) so keep it up :)

05/20/24 12:51:35PM
260 posts

Drum N Bass

Let us hear you!

Hi Diode

That link appears to be down. Perhaps you deleted it?

05/15/24 01:03:59PM
260 posts

Tribal Techno

Let us hear you!

Hi all 

Sorry if I've been posting a lot but the recent feedback has been really useful so though I'd ask in here for more!

A friend of mine has commissioned me to make a sort of tribal sounding techno track for him. This is what I've got so far. I think the track is nearly there, but personally feel like it's missing a final touch. Any ideas? Can be musical or mixdown

05/15/24 12:46:24PM
260 posts

Build a Banger - Member Assignment


Thanks for the definition - hehe! I thought you were asking us to take a sausage making course at first

Hmmm... now to decide what track to reinvent

05/09/24 04:45:51PM
260 posts

Mix help

Let us hear you!


Hey Samuel, nice track and arrangement! Something a bit different again. Hard to tell exactly what it is due to my amateur ear! However I agree it does sound quite constrained and if you've not done any kind of processing yet, perhaps it is the sounds you are using? It does sound a bit muddy in places and perhaps needs some EQ to help? There is a brighter, slightly shining sound that seems to appear right at the end that perhaps stands out above the lower frequencies? Not sure that is anywhere else and perhaps using some brighter sounds would add some dynamic range and open it all up a bit more? 

Have you also tried turning the sidechaining off one by one? That could definitely be containing some of the sounds. What are you sidechaining from and how many of the sounds are affected? 


good advice, seriously  - I tried turning off sidechains 1 by 1 and it was one sidechain that I had a few different tracks running through that was the culprit. The whole thing has come to life now - classic.

I know sidechaining is a form of compression, but it seems that if you overdoit, you can get that general 'overcompressed the entire track' vibe, which is pretty horrible.

I'll also try add some brightness too!

05/09/24 04:43:39PM
260 posts

Zeta5 - New Track

Let us hear you!

Yes very true about having a good referencing point, but then going off and doign your own thing. This kind of nuance I think is one of the hardest things about learning music production, and you can only really get it after years of experience and experimenting. So well done :)

Not ever used Spire, but I think I'll take a look now that you've used it...

05/07/24 02:36:37PM
260 posts

Mix help

Let us hear you!

Hello everyone

Thanks for your recent feedback on some tunes I've posted - really helps motivation!

I've been working on something new recently:

But i've been struggling with a problem where I feel like the whole thing sounds over-compressed/squashed and kinda lifeless - and I haven't done any mixing really other than volume - has anyone got any tips on why this might be happening? Is it just the sounds? I have done a bit of sidechaining, maybe over using that is causing it. Just want soem second opinions!

05/07/24 02:20:21PM
260 posts

New EDM Samples for Members!



Yeah, now I'm really looking forward to the next challenge joyful-2

Stil got 1.2TB left on my drive, so keep'em freebies coming!!


I need to invest in some terrabytes!

05/07/24 02:11:47PM
260 posts

Rob Jones Livestream Tomorrow at 18.00 UK Time



Enjoyed the recent livestream, Rob (watching everything on catchup at the moment). Congrats on joining the fatherhood gang. Especially loving the Rave series - yes, please bring on a course. Through it I'm getting to grips with both Live12 Suite AND Vital. Also appreciating Simon's CTZ Livestream....Oi loikes it loud, oi donerd

[/quote] Yeah, the content has been amazing recently. It's always good but the rave course was sublime! Free course pretty much! 

05/07/24 02:06:15PM
260 posts

For fans of the Wicker Man

Let us hear you!

Thanks everybody :) if anyone else likes the moive (the original of course), then I'd recommend sampling it - some proper interesting stuff going on
