Tribal Techno

10 months ago
265 posts

Hi allĀ 

Sorry if I've been posting a lot but the recent feedback has been really useful so though I'd ask in here for more!

A friend of mine has commissioned me to make a sort of tribal sounding techno track for him. This is what I've got so far. I think the track is nearly there, but personally feel like it's missing a final touch. Any ideas? Can be musical or mixdown

10 months ago
100 posts

I for one think more people should be posting more stuff on here, it's very cool and inspirational listening to what everyone makes.

I'm no expert, and certainly not on techno (!) but it sounds pretty good to me. I won't go into the technical bits that I have no idea about obviously, but if I may suggest one thing to try, it would be to introduce some of that nice filtered pluck synth (filtering in at about 1:40 or so) earlier in the track as well - not necessarily the same pattern, just something with that sound to tie it a little together and hint of what's to come?


10 months ago
265 posts


I for one think more people should be posting more stuff on here, it's very cool and inspirational listening to what everyone makes.

I'm no expert, and certainly not on techno (!) but it sounds pretty good to me. I won't go into the technical bits that I have no idea about obviously, but if I may suggest one thing to try, it would be to introduce some of that nice filtered pluck synth (filtering in at about 1:40 or so) earlier in the track as well - not necessarily the same pattern, just something with that sound to tie it a little together and hint of what's to come?



I agree - and I'm glad to see an influx of recent tracks for feedback from yourself and others!

Thank you for the kind words. I actually really like your idea for bringing in plucky pads. It definitely feels like a song of two halves and to bring a hint of what's to come is a great idea. I might bring in the acid 303 synth earlier then and give that a try.



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