Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

06/18/24 10:28:58AM
260 posts

House tune

Let us hear you!

Hey Petter

Your advice is always welcome, and is very useful - your feedback is very good actually. You're particularly right about the piano being too repetitive - changing it to a once in a while stab with nice big delay or reverb would change it up quite nicely I think. I also agree that the piano itself sounds a bit off - I'm gonna have to go in and fiddle with it.

I actually made this song as a live jam, which you may be able to tell, as it's a bit run of the mill and formulaic. 

Good feedback, gonna go back in and change it when I get a chance....

06/14/24 04:17:40PM
260 posts

Build a Banger - Member Assignment



Damn! I'm in a bit of a squeeze now ... found my banger, but it's ancient, found a recent remix, but didn't like the arrangement, made my own melody, had to change the chords a bit and now that works with the higher bpm of the old but need the sound of the new slower mix - and on top the whole track is starting to live it's own life not resembling any of the above ...

I could use the original chords and melody and remix the remix, but then it would just be a remix and not really a new banger based on a banger ... 

See my problem?


Sounds like a good enough attempt - especially if you love the song. What is it?

06/14/24 03:59:12PM
260 posts

House tune

Let us hear you!


Not sure if i've posted this already but made this tune a while back, I'm looking to revisit it. Any feedback?

The hi hats definitely too loud!

06/13/24 05:36:18PM
260 posts

New Remix - Losing Love (it's a banger :D )

Let us hear you!


@manixdj Thanks man. Appreciate it! Yes, I did master it – sort of – obviously not exactly to industry standards though ... 
I'm still focused trying to get down the technical aspects of production and mixing first and foremost, so figured it's no real point spending lots of time doing mastering until that's settled (lipstick, pig and all). So it's basically just going through the motions and pushing limiters till it's loud without creating artifacts. 
Lowend is a real is a beast to work with, I'll note your comments too and try figure it out. Thanks again.

@samuelclouston Thanks, personally thinking I'm closing in on 50% there :) That's the easy half. The next 50% will be ever more incremental and difficult, as with any trade. Expect it will take a few years until I'm anywhere near a pro level tbh. If ever :O  --> Practice practice!!
Joined here around Xmas.

[/quote]For someone who's only been a member since Xmas you're progressing very fast! You should be proud

06/10/24 04:41:27PM
260 posts

New Remix - Losing Love (it's a banger :D )

Let us hear you!

Honestly I think it was really good, profesh quality - but it's a great attitude to be humble and want to keep improving : - )

Glad to hear you've been learning loads from PT. When did you join?

06/04/24 10:43:41AM
260 posts

New Remix - Losing Love (it's a banger :D )

Let us hear you!

Hi Petter

Great as always! Super musical, great production and nice song arrangement. Not much I would change honestly. Hope it goes well in the contest!

05/21/24 12:48:39PM
260 posts

Track Analysis Tutorial - Bonus Member Session


Thanks - this'll be mega useful for the assignment

05/20/24 01:02:41PM
260 posts

Tribal Techno

Let us hear you!


I for one think more people should be posting more stuff on here, it's very cool and inspirational listening to what everyone makes.

I'm no expert, and certainly not on techno (!) but it sounds pretty good to me. I won't go into the technical bits that I have no idea about obviously, but if I may suggest one thing to try, it would be to introduce some of that nice filtered pluck synth (filtering in at about 1:40 or so) earlier in the track as well - not necessarily the same pattern, just something with that sound to tie it a little together and hint of what's to come?



I agree - and I'm glad to see an influx of recent tracks for feedback from yourself and others!

Thank you for the kind words. I actually really like your idea for bringing in plucky pads. It definitely feels like a song of two halves and to bring a hint of what's to come is a great idea. I might bring in the acid 303 synth earlier then and give that a try.

