Wow Tone! That's a pretty darn cool song in my opinion. Kind of reminds me of something a-ha could have done (and that's a huge compliment coming from me!).
Is that you singing? It's really nice.
I'm no professional, so the following should be taken with that in mind :D
Mix sounds overall quite good and balanced to my ears. There might be a little harshness in the uppers here and there (some of the synths)?
I also think you probably could try adjusting a bit the volume and/or panning of some instruments, there are some percussion hits in the chorus that could possibly do with a bit of haas delay for instance (I feel they crash a little with the vocals). Same with synths in second verse (try pan out or lower volume).
And a final thought to consider, I feel the synths coming into the bridge is too abrupt and harsh. You might try them real low going in and automate them gradually along with the noise-sweep (might also try to take them out wide in the stereofield). I really like that arp bass-synth there but it drowns a little imo, and also think the contrast would be better between the choruses and really let that haunting vocal shine.
As for the delay, I don't think it's too much. Do you use gated reverb/delay on vox?
Well, at least some things there you might try out and see if it works for you