Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

11/03/23 12:57:49PM
260 posts

Would you admit to using AI in music?

General Producer Chat


I just came across this fun article.

Apparently 52% of musicians interviewed would NOT admit to using AI in their music. It got me thinking - would I? I guess I would - feels cheap and deceptive to try and get away with not crediting AI.

But then it reminded me of the gate keepy types who say that using presets on synths is cheating etc because you should design your own sounds - but then can you apply that to a piano or a guitar? Not really, in my opinion.

Is hating on AI as cheating just the latest in a series of 'new thing bad, old thing good' scenarios? Don't you think an engineer who worked in an all-analog studio in the 60's would think that cranking out a track on Ableton in a few hours is cheating too?

I'm interested in what people think!

Dropping some AI Tech House in here for fun too:

updated by @samuelclouston: 11/03/23 12:58:29PM
11/03/23 12:52:26PM
260 posts

Anyone who types Rob is a cool first get a free plugin

General Producer Chat


Thanks for letting us know - gonna grab that now. Did you know you can get the LA2A free if you buy something else on Plugin Boutique?

10/19/23 04:58:25PM
260 posts

Reverb and Delay

Member Content Requests

Ah brilliant. I've just seen that the Beginners Guide to Effects course is out! Gonna enrol & get cracking in-love-2

10/19/23 04:45:46PM
260 posts

Hit the Dancefloor

Let us hear you!

This is a bit of a banger!!! The vocals remind me of early 2000's garage and house - big fan. Mixdown is solid too - nice balance of all the elements. I think maybe the kick could be a bit clearer, but other than that, it sounds like a hit

10/19/23 04:44:28PM
260 posts

Bonus Leads Rack


Thanks Rob - gonna download this now and give it a go tonight. I'm missing a lead on a track so this should help...

10/19/23 04:43:26PM
260 posts

Looking to buy new monitors

General Producer Chat

Hi all

I'm in the market for some new monitors as mine sadly died!

I used to have ADAM F7s, which were brilliant - but they don't make them any more. They've been replaced by T7V's, but i've read they're not as good. So I was wondering what people have in the 4-500 price range? I really don't like Yamaha HS series or the Rokit KRK's (have had both in the past, one too tinny and one too bassy) so any help would be appreciated!


10/02/23 10:55:27AM
260 posts

Reverb and Delay

Member Content Requests


I was wondering if you had any plans for doing a course/content for showing how delay and reverbs work. I feel there's a lot of waffle on online forums, so it would great to have your focused approach to learning to it.

10/02/23 10:53:53AM
260 posts


Member Content Requests

Good breakbeats are always so helpful to have. Most of the time it's the same breaks you hear over and over. Would be good to get something new.

Also good percussion loops and hits. I'm talking bongos. congas, djembes etc. I find a lot of these sounds are often not as good as other samples, and the loops are boring/generic rhythms. Some stuff with real feel and groove would be great.

And vocals! everyone loves good vocal samples to pepper into your track to take it to the next level.


10/02/23 10:51:24AM
260 posts

Bass Problems

Let us hear you!

Hi Tone

Nice track - good structure, very clear verse/chorus transitions which is good.

I agree with Rob, you have cleaned up the bottom end a fair bit. I would still say the kick is very low in the mix/difficult to hear or feel - essentially it feels lost amongst a sea of reverb. As Rob said, it is very muffled anyway. I suspect you could swap it out for a better sample. The phrase 'you can't polish a turd' comes to mind, in reference to the kick sample

updated by @samuelclouston: 10/02/23 10:51:45AM
10/02/23 10:45:29AM
260 posts

Bam Bam v2

Let us hear you!

Hi Simon

The bass is actually sounding a lot better and thicker. It also sits a bit better in relation to the element of the track. I would actually say that the horns are not a bit too dominant, they could probably be turned town a tad and sit back in the mix a little more.

It also sounds like you have a sort off slap-bass-guitar bassline one track, and the sub on another, but it seems to be that there's a degree of seperation between the two - a gap in frequencies almost. I think the track would sound more cohesive if you got the balance between your mid-bass and your sub-bass a little better. I'm not sure if what I've said entirely makes sense, so maybe Rob can let us know his thoughts.

Really good effort and an improvement, which is all that matters!

updated by @samuelclouston: 10/02/23 10:46:01AM