Hit the Dancefloor

2 years ago
12 posts

I've always enjoyed the Producertech remix comps, but not been brave enough to submit one of my own tracks.  Would be great to get any constructive feedback on this track which I recently completed. Lots of fun digging through various samples on Loopcloud and building up from there.


2 years ago
454 posts

We're big fans of Loopcloud too! It's great for composing as you can pull together ideas so quickly and there's a huge library to choose from.

This is a really nice track. Very listenable. Catchy. Everything's working together nicely.

The overall structure of the arrangement is great - the way you introduce different parts and alternate between verses and choruses etc.

There's also a really nice build up into the first chorus at around 1.45. It's a part of the arrangement when there's a really good amount of things going on, e.g. the mix sounds fullest and most exciting. That's the kind of energy you want to maintain throughout. One of the biggest differences there is you have some FX in the background supporting. That's something the rest of the arrangement could use, to improve flow between sections and help the build and release tension.

So, yeah, main thing that jumped out was that the arrangement is a bit too static outside of that section, needing more development and building up and breaking down generally, so sections don't just start and end without any changes, announcement or supporting elements. For example, the breakdown around 3.00 is excellent but needs more effects and FX! These will add more contrast and spaciousness in the breakdown and then help build up into the next drop when the beat comes back, so the tension and anticipation builds and the drop then becomes much more satisfying when it arrives.

Apart from that, there's some balancing you could do to improve things. Pay careful attention to the level of each sound - sometimes you get some parts jumping out a bit too much, like the sung vocal in the chorus. 

It's great fun though and a really good start. Nice work! 

2 years ago
12 posts

Really great to hear you like the track and thanks so much for the feedback. You get so close to a track after working on it for a few days!  This gives me some really good stuff to focus on.  Get the point about flow and effects and certainly something I'll work on for the next version. I'll take an extra listen to the balance.with a more critical ear as well.  Any feedback from anyone else on the forum would be great too.  Thanks.

2 years ago
101 posts

Hey @transpire - I really like the build up at the beginning, it really feels like you have nailed introducing parts separately with a good amount of space and leading up to about one and a half minutes in.  Think I would like to hear some vocal harmonies on the woman's vocals.  Also agree with the points Rob makes about making impactful changes between sections and at the end of phrases.  It would be great to hear more presence of additional perc giving variety - for example you bring in claps about 3 mins in, which is exactly what is needed at this point in the track, but I can hardly hear them in the mix.
I really think its a great track though and it get me on the floor for sure

2 years ago
265 posts

This is a bit of a banger!!! The vocals remind me of early 2000's garage and house - big fan. Mixdown is solid too - nice balance of all the elements. I think maybe the kick could be a bit clearer, but other than that, it sounds like a hit

2 years ago
454 posts

We've done a bonus tutorial on improving transitions this week, so you might want to check this out for some pointers on getting more definition and excitement into an arrangement happy-9

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
2 years ago
60 posts

I like how the various elements are all so clear and defined. Nice beat to the track as well. I think, as Rob suggested, all it needs are a few more transition elements to really bring it to life. Great job!


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