Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

11/20/23 10:55:58AM
260 posts

Synth Sound Problems

General Producer Chat

Hi Manix

Tricky one! I suspect you're right in that it's something to do with the filter envelope - have you gone through all the FX panels - Hybrid has a looooot of buttons that I find can take a while to go through.

Perhaps Rob might know the answer?

11/16/23 04:34:51PM
260 posts

Would you admit to using AI in music?

General Producer Chat

Apparently this is completely AI generated. Don't know how many Drake fans here, but his voice is pretty similar. The Weeknd's more obvious though. Very simple track though, so easy to imitate.

11/16/23 04:33:39PM
260 posts

Would you admit to using AI in music?

General Producer Chat

Hey - thanks for all your feedback. really interesting to hear your thoughts. It's easy to get a bit panicky about AI nowadays - it seems that several things now are threatening to end the world at any moment - but I assume human's have alwasy thought thism no matter what time period!

That being said, AI's effect on music will undoubtably be significant. Rob, your point about Youtuber's for example using AI to create library music for videos - that seems to me to be genuinely positive - especially for young, up and comers with a low budget. However, it is still a good symbiotic relationship when youtubers use real musicians music - both benefit. With AI involved that wouldn't be the case - but most musicians I imagine wouldn't rely solely on being YT background music! Maybe...

RE AI DJ's, with the advent of the Metaverse and virtual DJing to virtual crowds, I can't see AI DJ's being too far off, perhaps even to the point where AI is indistinguishable to humans! 

Re Smillington - I think you're right - there will always be a section of society who view Music purely as either a product or a means to an end to improve an ad (see; Music Industry execs lol) - but we musicians should just use this as more fuel to the fire to keep making original, human, organic music!

Thanks for your input all

11/16/23 04:26:38PM
260 posts

First Attempt at a Dance Track

Let us hear you!

Hi Tone

No worries - all that matters is that you keep improving, and you seem to be every track you post in here. Compression is one of the skills I think takes longest to learn for a lot of producer, as it's one of the most subtle (and therefore easy to under or over do).

I personally like to mix elements (other than bass and drums) like synths, vocals etc as quietly as possible, whilst still retaining the right amount of presence - I find this gives songs a richer, warmer, more organic sound myself.

Just my 2 cents!

11/16/23 04:22:37PM
260 posts

live 12 megga excited !!!!

DAW or Software Questions

Yes I saw it was 20% off Ableton 11 AND 12 is free. Seems like the best time to buy it. Already having 11 means I don't need to though! Anyone know how much the upgrade will be?

11/16/23 03:38:10PM
260 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Looking forward to this. Now comes the hardest choice of all. Mariah Carey or George Michael...

11/03/23 01:04:34PM
260 posts

Track Feedback Zoom Sessions


Hi Rob - I made this track earlier this year and never did anything with it and I don't feel it's finished - some feedback would be great, as well as hearing everyone else's ideas!

11/03/23 01:02:38PM
260 posts

First Attempt at a Dance Track

Let us hear you!

Hi Tone 

Like Manix said, great ideas and arrangement is pretty solid actually - moves forward and the ideas develop over time. I like the vocals as well - almost Kraftwerk-like in their roboticness.

I also agree with Manix about the mix - it's very loud sounding - I think the main synths may be able to come down a bit - or maybe it just a lot of compression on everything - you don't want to get ear fatigue from all those high frequencies bunching up.

Regardless - a solid track and you seem to be improving every time to be honest!
