I just came across this fun article. https://completemusicupdate.com/musicians-are-shy-about-admitting-ai-use-survey-finds/
Apparently 52% of musicians interviewed would NOT admit to using AI in their music. It got me thinking - would I? I guess I would - feels cheap and deceptive to try and get away with not crediting AI.
But then it reminded me of the gate keepy types who say that using presets on synths is cheating etc because you should design your own sounds - but then can you apply that to a piano or a guitar? Not really, in my opinion.
Is hating on AI as cheating just the latest in a series of 'new thing bad, old thing good' scenarios? Don't you think an engineer who worked in an all-analog studio in the 60's would think that cranking out a track on Ableton in a few hours is cheating too?
I'm interested in what people think!
Dropping some AI Tech House in here for fun too:
updated by @samuelclouston: 11/03/23 12:58:29PM