Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

01/16/24 04:05:11PM
260 posts

Musical New Years Resolutions

General Producer Chat

Thanks for teaching us the word GESAMTKUNSTWERK -  I love it already. I'm a big fan of total art - designing the artwork, video, making the music, promoting it etc. Keep working hard!

And yes, please do share some bits when you can - when you finally do, you will probably realise that you were worrying about nothing. I often find producers realise they've been holding back from sharing good music for years just due to worrying about what others will think - it's never worth it!

01/16/24 04:00:33PM
260 posts

Bass Tuning Bonus Tutorials


Phwoar, this really is a topic I've never really touched on. Quite alien to me but super useful from the sounds of it. I'm sure this will solve my bass mixing nightmare that has been going on for about 10 years now!

01/08/24 03:16:08PM
260 posts

Musical New Years Resolutions

General Producer Chat

Hey Deltadio

I hear you - Producing can be daunting, but I guess that's what beginner's courses are for :D. You may get to a point where spending 45 mins tweaking a kick is something you enjoy - only time will tell. 

Yes, if you do create a doc detailing your thoughts on courses, be sure to share it with the rest of us, sounds very useful.

And yes, isn't there an old adage that success is 5% talent and 95% hard work? - plus you should really be doing it for fun, not worrying about what others think is good/bad!

01/08/24 03:12:37PM
260 posts

Spotify royalties

General Producer Chat

I'm sure the world and the environment will hold out just long enough for all of us to achieve our niche music production goals... hopefully!

You should get involved in the Community competitions, not sure I saw you enter the last one, the Xmassignment (although I may be wrong) - good way to measure your skills against older iterations of yourself in my experience!

I just looked up Moose - that is very, very sad. Crazy how many rappers die in their 20s. Gonna check him out this afternoon, thanks for the rec.. Maybe oen of us will one day reach 1 billion streams

01/04/24 11:56:43AM
260 posts

Musical New Years Resolutions

General Producer Chat

Thankyou @smillington

Those are three great and very attainable goals. I hear you about not having a creative space at home, I think that's a common issue for a lot of us (myself included) so great thing to aim for.

Good luck with the two EP's and if they're up to your standard then I'm sure friends will play them.

01/02/24 02:31:01PM
260 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Keep the Christmas tunes going all year I say....

01/02/24 02:30:18PM
260 posts

Musical New Years Resolutions

General Producer Chat

Happy New Year PT Community!

Tis the time of year for making resolutions, and seeing as goals are pretty useful in any creative endeavour, why don't we share some? I'll start

By the end of this year, I want to have recorded an album - a fully realised, balanced project of 8-10 songs that fit together, tell a story, and are varied enough to not just be an EP style wise, and cohesive enough to work. Gonna take a lot of work but lets go....

What are yours?

01/02/24 02:28:17PM
260 posts

Spotify royalties

General Producer Chat

Wow - i hadn't actually thought to work out a specific amount but 25 quid from 8500 plays a month doesn't seem much. I like your attitiude though, and it should be more common, that even making a penny from doing what you love is kind of a blessing - especially when the market is more saturated than ever!

Always good to set goals. Maybe we should come back at the start of 2025 and check in?

12/19/23 03:39:43PM
260 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Nice - looking forward to tonight's stream joyful-2
