Forum Activity for @samuelclouston

12/19/23 03:38:07PM
260 posts

Spotify royalties

General Producer Chat


I agree mate, we need insight into this ~ to me it feels like exploitation 


Unfortunately I think it is exploitation! But then again, if there are hundreds of thousands of artists on spotify, supply and demand - musicians are always gonna make less money than the hyeday of the industry, right?

12/05/23 09:59:13AM
260 posts

Spotify royalties

General Producer Chat

I'm sure this has probably been discussed on the forum before, but what do people think about Spotify's rate of royalty pay?

This producer only earned 2 grand from a million plays, which is pretty mindblowing. But then again, when you buy an album on vinyl say, you can listen to it as many times as you want, without paying any more - so is it unfair?

Let me know your thoughts

12/05/23 09:28:36AM
260 posts

Track Feedback Zoom Sessions


I'm looking forward to doing this, so anyone who's looking but hasn't posted, please do!

12/05/23 09:27:21AM
260 posts

Antedote - New Track!

Let us hear you!

Hi Manix

Sick track! I'd say this is probably your cleanest/most professional sounding track so far actually. And don't worry, it's consistent with the others - fits right in with your sound. The kick drums is very well placed and crafted in this track so it sits perfectly in the mix, which arguably is the most important part of a track like this.

Great synths and drums. I don't know how euphoric you like your music to become but maybe have a section which is pure bliss, as a nice contrast between the heavy pounding bits?

12/05/23 09:24:45AM
260 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


If anyone's looking for handy MIDi arrangements for Xmas songs, then this page could be useful!

12/05/23 09:23:01AM
260 posts

Bonus Granular Synthesis Tutorials


Thanking you. Granular synthesis has always been a fave of mine too, but i have to admit i never really got to grips with how it worked - just played around. So this will help me hugely. Will watch later today!

11/29/23 04:16:32PM
260 posts

Junior LoopCloud: FL Cloud

General Producer Chat

Depending on what you want to do, and accepting that generally, you can do everything on one DAW that you can do another - that being said, having used FL extensively for years, then switching to Ableton, that Ableton is infinitely better than FL in a plethora of ways. Namely;

Recording - far easier and actually better monitoring I'd say

Creativity - workflow is supposedly easier on FL but once you get your head round drum racks and such on Ableton, you have far more flexibility

Max for Live - insane amount of amazing stuff

Stock - Ableton's stock plugins are often as good as third party ones - FL not so much.

Collaborating - even if your using the same DAW as your collaborator, its useless if they're using loads of plugins that you don't have. I'm unsure if FL has it but Ableton's freeze feature gets you round this pretty handily - as long as you're accepting you can't change anything on said tracks

11/29/23 04:10:43PM
260 posts

Granular Synthesis Tuts

Member Content Requests

Nice - excited for Granulator 3 after watching your new Ableton 12 preview vid. I've always loved that synth - it and Paulstretch are the gods of ambient music. 

Sometimes I will write a nice little piano melody, then stick it in a granulator and extended it as much as possible - and you have Brian Eno-eqsue ambient track almost instantly.

Super fun genere to make, especially if you like meditating like me, and want to create custom soundscapes for yourself. :-)

11/28/23 10:17:34AM
260 posts

tut/breakdown on Big Room House "Festival Bangers"

Member Content Requests

Hardstyle and Big Room have always fascinated me as they seems to be huge in Europe & The US, but not in my native UK - I feel like i'd be hard pressed to find a venue or festival that plays exclusively that stuff so I'm quite unfamiliar to it. Is this referring to Martin garrix and Avicii? Or something else?

11/28/23 10:11:32AM
260 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!



Ah nice

Found a nice version of God Rest ye merry Gentlemen which I'll try to butcher..

See you on the other side!

[/quote] Hahaha cannot wait to hear that one! maybe I should try a Christmas carol instead. Not long now till Xmas!
