Forum Activity for @simon-unsigned

simon unsigned
10/06/21 09:56:30PM
112 posts

Ellie Dixon/Arturia Remix Comp - Win Big Hardware/Software Prizes!


I've really enjoyed hearing the different variety of tracks across everyone's remixes. I had a couple of failed attempts to try and make something in a completely different style to my usual stuff but ended up reverting to type and sticking with an old school house vibe!
simon unsigned
10/06/21 04:05:30PM
112 posts

Which Controllers Do You Really Appreciate?

DAW or Software Questions

It's nothing revolutionary, but getting an APC Mini made a real difference for me, just using the pad grid for 'jamming' with clips in the session view meant I could be a bit more creative with recording live arrangements rather than just dragging clips along the timeline. I still need to get more into follow actions to open even more creative options.

And another thumbs up for Novation from me - just recently got a 2nd hand Zero SL MkII that I want to start using with the APCMini to create some 'live' performance tracks while still working ITB. It seems really flexible in terms of templating a custom workflow that will suit how I work - there's some tutorials on youtube I need to watch first (starring a slightly younger looking Rob Jones ;-))
simon unsigned
09/03/21 11:22:36AM
112 posts

Scale of macro knobs in Ableton

DAW or Software Questions

Hi all - I've got a bit of a gripe with how the macro control works in Ableton. I've done some research and googling and as far as I can tell, I don't think it's fixable.

I've created an instrument group around some drum racks and have one rack dedicated to kick drums. The idea is to have a load of different kicks that I can easily select via a macro to audition while the track is playing. I know you can use hotswap for this, but I find that a bit clunky and want to use this rack as a default in my track starting template.

I know you can set the range of the macro to run from say 0 to 31 if I've got 32 kicks in a rack and you can use the mouse to dial through these with the macro and it will run through each one.

However, to keep my workflow as streamlined as possible, I'd like to be able to scroll through the kicks using the up/down arrow keys on the keyboard. But it seems that the resolution of the macro dial will always be 0 to 127 regardless of what the range is set to in the mapping. e.g. I have to click the up key around 4/5 times to move it up to the next value/kick.

Call me lazy, but I just want to hit the key once! :-)

Does anyone know if this fixable or have another/better way to easily use a keyboard shortcut to get the same result - i.e. step through a selection of different kick drums to audition them while the track is playing.

Looks like the best way I can think of is to create a new sample folder of the kicks I'm using to scroll through and switch them using hot swap.
simon unsigned
09/01/21 05:31:44PM
112 posts

Drum Synth Plugins

DAW or Software Questions

Interesting question! I use both and I'd say don't have a preference, all depends on my mood and type of track I want to make. I'd say a drum synth is better for jamming quick ideas and also limiting your drum palette in a creative way. Samples are better in terms of options and endless variety
simon unsigned
08/27/21 11:37:51AM
112 posts

Complete beginners forum

DAW or Software Questions

I think I Rob use this one as well in a Webinar a while ago - but I've not used myself, but it looked pretty useful;

Seems to be some sort of multiband sidechain dynamic eq?
simon unsigned
08/11/21 09:23:43AM
112 posts

Editing and saving found sound audio files using Ableton

DAW or Software Questions

Hi Peter, from what you’ve said, it sounds like the easiest (maybe not the best!) approach would be to import your recordings onto a track in arrangement view and it into separate clips for each sound, then each clip can be dragged into a simpler, sampler or drum rack and edited there. Or just copy the clip onto a new audio track and edit there. All depends on what sort of editing the clip needs first on what the best option might be, simpler/sampler can do all the basics like start/end, loop points, fades etc but heavy audio processing is probably best done on a clip in its own track - you can then consolidate the clip and put it in a simpler later on.
simon unsigned
08/05/21 10:19:40AM
112 posts

Favourite Producers

General Producer Chat

One for me is Paranoid London - I just like their whole ethos as well as their production style - stripped back and no frills.
simon unsigned
07/27/21 02:12:39PM
112 posts

Creating drum fills

Member Content Requests

Thanks - I'll definitely look at those, cheers.
simon unsigned
07/26/21 01:55:00PM
112 posts

How to make rave sounds

Member Content Requests

Great tutorials - right up my street, thanks Rob - and +1 thumbs up to UNDRGRNDSOUNDS sample packs, I got a really good deal on a bundle and there’s loads of really useable stuff in there
simon unsigned
07/26/21 01:41:38PM
112 posts

Creating drum fills

Member Content Requests

Not sure if this a topic suitable for a tutorial, but I could really do with some help :). There’s already lots of material to help with programming full drum loops but I can sometimes struggle to come up with nice little variations to make the loop more interesting and where I REALLY struggle is coming up with good fills for the end of 8/16/32 bar sections where I want to transition into a new section.
