8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment

8 months ago
459 posts

As announced in last night's stream, we've kicked off the next Member Assignment......

8 Track Attack banner.jpg

It's pretty straight forward really... make a song with only 8 tracks. The song wants to be electronic dance music of some description, e.g. House, Techno, Breaks, Drum & Bass, Hip Hop, Trap... take your pick. (No David Essex Tone!)

Every track can only have 1 sound on it, but you can do anything to the sound. In other words, you can't have 1 track for Drums, with a whole drum kit or loop on, but can only have one track for a kick, another for a snare, and then 6 for your remaining sounds. This is a challenge after all!

We did have some questions about layering instruments and of course that has to be allowed to some degree. I mean we can't only allow a single oscillator or noise generator in a soft synth! Many patches are of course multi-layered and that's almost certainly fine. However, the objective here isn't to find ways of cheating but to see how much you can do with how little.

It's fine to start with simple sounds on tracks but then use a multitude of effects to fill out and transform the sound. Or, start off with very noisy sounds and then shape frequencies with filters to make them work in the mix, but then ramp things up by opening the filter as and when you need - you'll have more to play with that way.

For some examples, feel free to check out the intro to the assignment that was last night's stream in the Activites area HERE.

As always, when you've done your track, post it on your profile in the forum and then add a link to this thread.




Winners will be picked live in a Zoom feedback session in September.

If you have any other questions, let us know on this thread...

Good luck and we look forward to hearing your entries joyful-2

updated by @ptmembership: 09/02/24 11:17:25PM
8 months ago
100 posts

This should be interesting ... 

Just to clarify;
We are good on the use of AUX tracks? As you pointed out in the livestream, in Ableton you can set up racks with multiple parallel fx chains on individual tracks, but in most other DAWs this is done using AUX tracks instead. We should be able to use it, right?

And then we have to use AUX for reverbs and such as well, since inserts will always have them before the fx.

simon unsigned
simon unsigned
8 months ago
112 posts

Another great assignment!!! Anything that puts limitations on your usual process and makes you think more creatively has got to be a good thing, it is for me anyway :-)

simon unsigned
simon unsigned
8 months ago
112 posts

I'd like to get something clarified on the rules around the use of sampled loops.  I wouldn't consider using a full breakbeat loop as that includes a full drum kit which wouldn't be allowed if using separate samples.  While it might be technically within the rules, I think it goes against the point of the assignment.

But what using a simpler loop, such as a hi hat or top loop?  I'd like to use something like that and also cut it up so I can use it as a one shot or smaller snippets in places and then use the full loop elsewhere.  So I'm using a single sample, just in more than one way (being creative, right?)

And I'm guessing it would be ok to use a full vocal phrase as a sample and cut that up in similar ways, so it's the same principle but on an instrumental loop rather than vocal.

Tricky one to call... :-)

8 months ago
100 posts

@simon-unsigned : My understanding is that different states of a sound/instruments should be within the rules (open/closed hat, various pitch of conga etc), so a pure hi hat loop should be fine. A top loop with several percussive instruments would probably not be though. 

Vocals is an interesting one ... really think there's a lot of leeway there ... no idea how to restrict it tbh, except when obviously stacking them up on several tracks of course.

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
8 months ago
60 posts

No David Essex and only eight tracks - I'm not sure how I'll cope!

Just to clarify, do the eight tracks have to contain the same instruments all the way through, or so long as we don't use more than eight different instruments (tracks) in any one section, can we vary them?

Thanks :)

8 months ago
265 posts

Wow this should be fun. I remember a great tutorial I saw on youtube where the guy only uses 4 tracks and the tracks were legitimately so good. 

7 months ago
265 posts


Here's my entry. Ended up using 8 tracks exactly :-)

1. Kick

2. Clap

3. Hats

4. Percs

5. Bass

6. Keys 

7. Lead Topline

8. Vocals

7 months ago
459 posts

Nice work! Full-sounding mix for the most part. Could have maybe had some more effects in some places (automated upper bass layer effects for instance) to fill out the break when it's just drums and bass.

Lush track though and excellent job selecting sounds. Were there any sounds you were gutted to not be able to include? What would have been your next choice?

7 months ago
459 posts

Also, I think it's a good idea to post your tracks with the entry, so everyone should do that...

7 months ago
100 posts

Nice one Sam, great vibe!

7 months ago
100 posts

First attempt at this challenge, and honestly not sure what genre this ended up as … I started out with the intent of a melodic dubstep track, but then those vocals happened and it all turned rather sinister … now feels more like it ended up as some kind of dark alt indie pop electronica rather than ‘electronic dance music of some kind’ … At least it isn’t David Essex … :D


Interesting challenge though, really makes you think about your sound selection!

My 8 tracks;

1 Kick; sample, used a separate AUX track for some parallel processing on this one (since I'm on Logic and can't do racks).

2 Snare; sample, also used some instances in reverse for FX and doubled on kicks for impact.

3 Hats; loop, so hope this one is approved as ‘one sound’, chopped and filtered throughout.

4 Bass; layered sub and midrange into one, filtered and also uses an AUX track for parallel processing and extra width.

5 Vocals; pieced together and layered a collection of adlibs, lead vox, bgv and doubles all from same kit/vocalist on Loopcloud and bounced into one final accapella track. Hope this is within rules.

6 Acoustic guitar; one finger picked clean part, and one strummed with added distortion pedal

7 Synth keys; sustained bass line, chord stabs and a little topline melody on top - all in one MIDI track (using velocity and EQ for volume balance).

8 Synth strings pad; base chords + occasional high note in drops.

I’m pretty happy with the composition part, but I’m sure there are plenty to be improved when it comes to the production … 

Speaking of which, I’m quite liking the ‘warm’ tone of this current mix (and it looks decent in the analyzer/reference too) but I’m not sure if my ears fool me and it’s just still a bit muddy …. Anyone care to chip in?

7 months ago
55 posts

Hello together,

this is my entry. I called it

"Nobody can hurt me", because I took some cool vocal from one Arcade pack.

I originally wanted to do more of a melodic house and techno track, but because of the limitations, it turned out to become more of a of melodic dysto/epic techno track. Can't define a genre for it. Maybe you can help :-). Overall it was a great idea to limit myself and I could learn quite a bit due to this. Very thankful for the opportunity. I usually end up using more than 50-70 tracks in my productions. Thanks Rob.

My 8 tracks are:





5. ARP

6. SYNTH 1

7. SYNTH 2



Cheers and good luck everyone.

Kind Regards


7 months ago
265 posts

Thanks Rob for your kind feedback - I definitely could have done some more interesting stuff on a few different parts to be honest but I played it in live on my launchpad and liked the live feel of it so left it - but maybe I'll do a new and improved version.

Petter - I really enjoyed your track. The super long intro and build up is commendable, and people don't take as many creative choices as that as often, so respect - and it pays off! Love the sort of dubstep rhythm throughout, and the evolution of the vocal sample with different FX is super cool too. It's actually pretty mad how we're all managing to create all this cool music with just a handful of tracks.

Paddy - super cool and retro sounding. I love the sort of Kavinsky vibe you've got going - sounds like a 'Drive' soundtrack song. Again, cool vocals as well, pretty haunting. Amazed to see you usually do 50-70 tracks and you've got down to 8 - quite the trim! Also happy to hear that you felt it helped and could be a learning curve - I really do suspect that limitation is a key aspect of creating original, good music. 

7 months ago
100 posts

@Paddy  That's a killer track! 

@Sam  Thanks! :D Sometimes the music takes me in strange directions - but I like how it turned out, even if it's not really a dance track ... I'm hearing a lot of stuff now I would like to fix though ... will see if I have time and can manage to sort it!

Yeah, really cool how much you can actually do with only a few tracks, but then limitations always fuels creativity. Cool challenge!

7 months ago
12 posts

Hi All,

So this is my entry which I've called "A little Utopia". 

A Little Utopia - Transpire | Producertech  

Thought I might challenge myself further than just the 8 tracks and give AI vocals a go too and no loops! 

I've tried to use effects to create movement / interest across the track in the absence of being able to use risers etc!

My 8 tracks are:

1. Synth Stabs

2. Bass

3. Kick

4. Hats

5. Claps

6. Main Vocal

7. Vocal Harmony Left

8. Vocal Harmony Right

Really enjoyed working on this one and trying to work round the restrictions.

Look forward to hearing all the other entries too.


7 months ago
265 posts

Hey Transpire - dope track! Love the pounding kick and general elements. Can definitely hear the movement you intended too... this competition is hotting up!

simon unsigned
simon unsigned
6 months ago
112 posts

Hi all - here's my entry, some of you will probably recognise the guest vocalist.  It's not David Essex but it's close! :-)


I used the limitation of the 8 tracks to try and improve the way I use the same part/track in different ways - I've tried to build it up from a very mellow intro to a more full-on final section (while still keeping it fairly chilled).  The 8 tracks are:

1 Pad

2 Synth Arp

3 Bassline

4 Kick

5 Clap

6 Snare

7 Vocal

8 White noise sweep

6 months ago
100 posts

Alright guys! This is really starting to look interesting goofy-1

Can't believe all these awesome tracks coming out of this particular challenge actually.

Strongest lineup since I joined, and still a few days left! Rob's gonna sweat choosing a winner for this I think ... smug-3

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
6 months ago
60 posts

Wow, this was a tough one - I've never used so much automation for the various effects. Definitely an interesting exercise, but what I can say with some certainty is that I will not be adopting the minimalist approach moving forwards!
I'm not very good with genres, but (hopefully) this is a house dance kind of style. My eight tracks are listed below. Fingers crossed, this one is a little more on target than my David Essex entry last time!


8 tracks:
synth 1
synth 2
bass synth

6 months ago
52 posts

My first entry since the Xmas comp! I did manage to squeeze this one in and had lots of fun making it. I found with this that finding the right sounds, that allow you to create textures that almost replicate other instruments was something I found useful. For example, my main lead has almost a repeating hi hat for builds as you open out the filter on the synth, this allowed me to create pretty rich builds. Also managed to fins a Serum preset that creates a great white noise whoosh with some other harmonics that help with tension.

Hope you like it!  

8 tracks:

1. Kick

2. Hi Hat

3. Snare

4. Bassline

5. Bass2

6. Lead Synth

7. FX

8. Vocal


updated by @manixdj: 09/01/24 10:25:25PM
6 months ago
33 posts

Just about made it in time. Went for a chilled DnB (half time) thing, although finding reference material was a bit tricky! Not sure I know what half time even is!

5 drum tracks - kick, snare, hat + two percs



Lead loop with a million shaperbox automations! I should have invested in cableguys!


Hope you like it - good luck everyone.


updated by @nigel: 09/02/24 10:26:07PM
ben m
ben m
6 months ago
17 posts

As usual could do with another couple of hours/days/weeks, so much still to do! But you'll get the idea. Really enjoyed this one, much learnt.

All Night (8-Track) - Ben M | Producertech

6 months ago
265 posts

Wow - just listened through all the recent submissions - MEGA tracks! I think you're right Petter, this is gonna be a toughy - the quality is high!

6 months ago
459 posts

Well done all! Looking forward to going through these properly in the Zoom Session tonight joyful-2

rob livestream 12th sept 24psd yt.jpg

simon unsigned
simon unsigned
6 months ago
112 posts

Unfortunately I was working so couldn't join the Zoom call - will there be a recording posted up?



6 months ago
459 posts

Hey Simon,

Yes, here's the recording...

Well done again everyone, really great entries! 

rob livestream 12th sept 24psd yt.jpg

6 months ago
33 posts
Thanks Rob, just found out I won! Super chuffed about that.

I’ll really enjoy the recording now! 🤣
6 months ago
100 posts

Great livestream!

I really enjoy these challenges, fun to do and very cool to have Rob walk through all entries. Learn something every time!

Big congrats to @nigel and @manixdj for edging the top spots. Awesome tracks guys!
Still can't get over the level everyone was able to get with just the 8 sounds tbh. Real eyeopener.

Looking forward to the next one now :D

6 months ago
33 posts

Thanks @Petter. I agree, it was a real eye opener.  

6 months ago
52 posts


Great livestream!

I really enjoy these challenges, fun to do and very cool to have Rob walk through all entries. Learn something every time!

Big congrats to @nigel and @manixdj for edging the top spots. Awesome tracks guys!
Still can't get over the level everyone was able to get with just the 8 sounds tbh. Real eyeopener.

Looking forward to the next one now :D


Thanks Petter, it was a real eye opener in terms of what you could do with that limitation! It was a strong comp for sure!  

6 months ago
52 posts

[quote="NigelB"] Thanks Rob, just found out I won! Super chuffed about that. I’ll really enjoy the recording now! 🤣 [/quote]

I loved the vibe of your track and have tried searching that genre on Beatport without success! So respect for creating it 🤣

6 months ago
265 posts

Just listened back to all the entries again, and I gotta say - good job everyone involved goofy-1

5 months ago
33 posts


[quote="NigelB"] Thanks Rob, just found out I won! Super chuffed about that. I’ll really enjoy the recording now! 🤣 [/quote]

I loved the vibe of your track and have tried searching that genre on Beatport without success! So respect for creating it 🤣


Thanks @manixdj although I think it already exists! Difficult to find reference material but there are some youtube videos describing half dnb tempo or snare on the third beat as examples....I went with that....

Found this too....



5 months ago
265 posts

Halftime DnB is sick! Ivy Lab and Richie Brains both produce soem excellent halftime - and now Nigel B too :D

5 months ago
33 posts


Halftime DnB is sick! Ivy Lab and Richie Brains both produce soem excellent halftime - and now Nigel B too :D

[/quote]Ha - thanks Sam, too kind! :-) 


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