Complete beginners forum
DAW or Software Questions
Hi everyone, beginner here along with couple of questions;
- Do I really need the 3rd party plugin that everyone uses for sidechain? Or Ableton's stock plugins should work just fine?( Also I have LFO tool by Xfer, if that works too)
Thanks for answers
It takes time to begin to hear the limits of any certain plugin, or software... or VST even. And usually it only happens after you have trained your ears to hear the imperfections, or the imperfections that you didn't intentionally create, the balance between each instrument, and the placement or travel across the width of the stereo sound. It's actually a juggle of them all, because one can shift or ruin the balance of everything.
Save your work regularly. And when it doesn't work, don't waste too much time trying to figure out why... back up and find a different path. Why?
It takes time for your intuition and skills to begin to work together properly. It will be frustrating. It is not easy to imagine the finished audio, then bring it to life. Keep playing with the tools you have until you see their limits, then move on. The better you get at seeing the possibilities and the limits of any plugin or VST, the better you will become at using them to the limit of their capability, an then be able to move past it. Don't get bogged down in "why doesn't this sound right?" until you have a stronger grasp of "this sounds right!" if you get my meaning.