Forum Activity for @petter

04/16/24 08:00:19PM
99 posts



Excellent session! Thanks for that, learned a ton!

04/08/24 05:13:32PM
99 posts

Ambient/Euphoric Breaks Track

Let us hear you!

Cool tune. To my still untrained ears there seems to be a little too much harsh frequencies - especially in the intro which is otherwise very mellow ambient. When the beat comes in, it feels too busy to me. Possibly needing some level adjustments, as it seems everything fights a bit?

I think if you mix it over and give it more of that lovely 'liquid' sound you had on the other track, this would be really nice though. 

If I can humbly give a tip to try; at the breakdown 3:40, wait with the main bass synth, let it settle a bit and then filter it in along with other elements to get a bit more contrast in arrangement. And more filtering + automation throughout. I love automation, it gives such lovely movement through the song, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it, kind of :D

04/08/24 04:44:37PM
99 posts

Future Rave Tutorial #3 - Making the Drums


Guetta is good! 
I love the sound of this set. Massive, lush and still so crisp.  

04/08/24 10:37:43AM
99 posts

More Housey' practice - All I Ever Wanted

Let us hear you!

Top feedback Rob!! Really appreciate it.
I need loads more practice still, but yeah, I feel a little more comfortable with arrangement than the other stuff in production ... 
All the small pointers on what to specifically improve is incredibly helpful at this point though - lots more ear training to do for me too before I can properly hear everything.

04/08/24 10:33:02AM
99 posts

Future Rave Tutorial #3 - Making the Drums


So many things I need to learn properly - drums obviously another one 😅
This is gonna be an epic series! 

Can't wait till I'm creating stuff sounding like this:

(yeah, I'm rather boring mainstream 😂)

04/05/24 12:43:39PM
99 posts

More Housey' practice - All I Ever Wanted

Let us hear you!

Thank you very much Sam!! goofy-4

Quite happy with the arrangement actually, so great you think it's good too.

I made (and uploaded) a few adjustments as you suggested, and I think it does sound better. Working these frequencies is a bit like wrapping an inflated balloon in paper that's just a little too small I feel - always something else poking out when you think you've got it ... 
Thought I was rather brutal low cutting the synths and other stuff, but tried to turn it up to savage instead. My analyser originally suggested quite good balance, and now it actually dips a bit from 250 to about 1k or so.

Also added a bit to the top end of hats and cymbals. High frequencies are difficult too - I feel it's getting harsh really quickly, especially on my monitors. But there's lots of top-end to dance music these days. Maybe it just translates better to less good soundsystems, like cars, airpods and such? I found mine sounds a lot better now on my airpods at least, even if it's a little too much on my monitors ...

04/02/24 07:28:38PM
99 posts

XLN Life

DAW or Software Questions

That's Life by XLN not Audio Bloom? Seen a few demos of it. Looks very interesting - just like a lot of their stuff. RC20 is awesome, and XO is also on my list to try at one point. So much to learn, so little time heisenberg

04/02/24 07:13:23PM
99 posts

More Housey' practice - All I Ever Wanted

Let us hear you!

Been working on transitions and effects a bit - and playing around with various plugins to find out what they do :)

It is quite possible I've over-processed this one ... :O

All I Ever Wanted cover.jpg

03/22/24 08:15:32AM
99 posts

In Production

Let us hear you!

I think what Rob is referring to is the unintended introduction of 3rd harmonics in certain bass patches, that can cause some issues (and it can be hard to hear, at least it is for me ... ).
If you haven't already watched it, it's explained here a bit:

Also part 1 of the series:

03/20/24 07:48:55AM
99 posts



Great entries everyone!
Looking forward to Rob's assessments tonight goofy-4 Will be out most of the day but hopefully back in time for the zoom.

So fun doing these type of challenges, and absolutely fascinating to hear the creativity and different vibes coming from everyone from the same starting point. 
