Thoughts on the mix
Let us hear you!
Holy cow! That vocal is all synthesised? That's pretty amazing. Will need to check that out. If it's that good, it should be excellent for making demos. Thanks for that tip.
Holy cow! That vocal is all synthesised? That's pretty amazing. Will need to check that out. If it's that good, it should be excellent for making demos. Thanks for that tip.
Wow Tone! That's a pretty darn cool song in my opinion. Kind of reminds me of something a-ha could have done (and that's a huge compliment coming from me!).
Is that you singing? It's really nice.
I'm no professional, so the following should be taken with that in mind :D
Mix sounds overall quite good and balanced to my ears. There might be a little harshness in the uppers here and there (some of the synths)?
I also think you probably could try adjusting a bit the volume and/or panning of some instruments, there are some percussion hits in the chorus that could possibly do with a bit of haas delay for instance (I feel they crash a little with the vocals). Same with synths in second verse (try pan out or lower volume).
And a final thought to consider, I feel the synths coming into the bridge is too abrupt and harsh. You might try them real low going in and automate them gradually along with the noise-sweep (might also try to take them out wide in the stereofield). I really like that arp bass-synth there but it drowns a little imo, and also think the contrast would be better between the choruses and really let that haunting vocal shine.
As for the delay, I don't think it's too much. Do you use gated reverb/delay on vox?
Well, at least some things there you might try out and see if it works for you
I for one think more people should be posting more stuff on here, it's very cool and inspirational listening to what everyone makes.
I'm no expert, and certainly not on techno (!) but it sounds pretty good to me. I won't go into the technical bits that I have no idea about obviously, but if I may suggest one thing to try, it would be to introduce some of that nice filtered pluck synth (filtering in at about 1:40 or so) earlier in the track as well - not necessarily the same pattern, just something with that sound to tie it a little together and hint of what's to come?
This is gonna be interesting!
Just to be sure, a 'banger' here is purely defined as a song I myself really like, right? Don't need to be very well known or acclaimed or anything?
Thanks Sam!
Yeah, there's something nagging me a little about the hats, shaker and ride ... haven't figured it out yet ...
Yeah, now I'm really looking forward to the next challenge
Stil got 1.2TB left on my drive, so keep'em freebies coming!!
RIght, updated the track to a full version. Not sure it got as minimalist as Rob wished, but yeah ... I'm getting carried away a bit.
Excellent stuff Manix! Very nice and airy, and I absolutely love your synths.
Hi @nigel
Others might correct me if I'm totally wrong, but I think you'll find gain staging your vst's and samples is good practice. Having them all coming in at a certain level just makes everything easier. Not least easier to control volume levels with faders. Faders are best operated close to unity, since it gives better resolution (db scale is logarithmic so same increment move at the lower end of the fader will yield significantly higher db gain/reduction as at unity).