Forum Activity for @petter

03/20/24 07:48:55AM
100 posts



Great entries everyone!
Looking forward to Rob's assessments tonight goofy-4 Will be out most of the day but hopefully back in time for the zoom.

So fun doing these type of challenges, and absolutely fascinating to hear the creativity and different vibes coming from everyone from the same starting point. 

03/17/24 07:32:43PM
100 posts



Finally managed to get my main Succession project done too goofy-1

Tried my luck with this synthwave style too, was harder than expected, and not sure I really got the sound there ... Hope Rob will do some bonus tutorials in this genre some time, because it's really cool!

So, I reimagined this as the intro for the 1984 TV show Miami Nights, delving in the adventures of private eye extraordinaire Jim ‘Crony’ Sockitt. In his flamboyant lighthearted style he assists the rich and famous of the Florida hotspot with whatever shady endeavours they would need. Think luxurious penthouses, lavish all night parties, fast cars, yachts, jet skis and sun drenched beach life. And minimal pastel swimwear obviously. This show had it all - including a stellar soundtrack to boot. Enjoy:

Kind of liked my other weirdy version too, so I'll leave it to the Producertech jury to decide which one is the more appropriate entry happy-1

03/12/24 08:49:18AM
100 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #2 - Huge Lead Design for the Drop with Vital


Another batch of great tips. Gonna rewatch all of these when the series is done! 

03/08/24 06:54:57PM
100 posts

My Cosmicat 'Lovers Game' REMIX contest entry

Let us hear you!

Finished my entry for this remix contest today. Not sure I'm allowed to publish this, but I dare sharing the private link here anyway :)

Obviously my skills don't yet live up to what I want to achieve, but this was quite fun nonetheless. 

Always appreciate any and all constructive critique and comments!!

P :D

03/07/24 07:28:09AM
100 posts



[quote="Technic Tone"]

Hi everyone,

I love 80s music so learning about Synthwave was great fun :)

With plenty of compression and some nice gated snares, it seems like you're well on your way with this genre - blimey, am I actually starting to become familiar with genres!?

I've called my remix "Syncession" - where "Succession" meets "Synthwave"!

Anyway, here's my entry. Hope you like it:


Cool! I'm digging this 80's style too. Really fun!

03/07/24 07:25:57AM
100 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #1 - Designing a Huge EDM Pad with Vital


I'm probably a bit of a mainstream guy, so this is great for me!

Just finished the advanced synthesis course this morning, and it was really good. Nice overview of Vital there as mentioned. 

I do wonder though, is Serum 'better' in any way given so many have it - and pay for it? The two seem very similar in use, and can't imagine the sounds you'll get out of either is very different in the end? I understand there are loads more presets for Serum, but in terms of making your own, that won't matter much, would it? I mean even going full Pro on Vital is only $80 compared to $189 for Serum. 

I've been a little (a lot) intimidated by the interfaces of Massive X and Alchemy, but I really like Vital's - it seems very visual and inviting to me.

03/02/24 08:48:42AM
100 posts

Future Rave Bonus Tut #1 - Designing a Huge EDM Pad with Vital


Had this for breakfast. Just awesome stuff. Can't wait for the rest of this series ... or obviously I have too of course, and will! :D

03/02/24 08:44:28AM
100 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


Woohoo!! That was excellent stuff! :D

03/01/24 09:07:18AM
100 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


This is gonna be awesome! :D

I haven't done the advanced synthesis yet, but it's on my to do list.

BTW: Anything vocal tips/tricks/tidbits are also always welcome. I'm particularly struggling trying to find the right type, balance, levels of reverb/delays - not helping much it's apparently so different from genre to genre as well ... (?)

02/28/24 08:04:56AM
100 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests



Also, @petter, did you check out Seppa's sub bass masterclass, there were some really good vital tips in that if I remember rightly.


I did! It's a great course. However, I was thinking a little bit more in depth and focused on Vital. There's a number of courses on other synths, and since Vital is a great option, and free, I thought it could be worthy of som love, that's all joyful-2
