Forum Activity for @petter

02/27/24 08:56:23AM
100 posts

Bonus Tutorial Content Requests


I don't know if any of these are covered already, still plugging through courses :)

- More on EDM / Future rave / Pop 
- Something on Synthwave would be cool, doing this for my main Succession project and I like it!
- Layering of sounds; bass, pads, leads, drums. This is hard!
- A Vital synth tutorial would be great too! 

02/27/24 08:46:05AM
100 posts

House practice track

Let us hear you!


Uplifting, bouncy and fun! Great ⭐️


Thanks, man! smile

02/23/24 02:33:23PM
100 posts

New dancey rave track

Let us hear you!

Well, I'm no expert as you know ;) so I'll refrain from the professional feedback, but it sounds ... delicious.

Really, I want to drink that song. 

02/21/24 08:18:49PM
100 posts



Right, so kind of still a work in progress ... this thing just spawned out of what I was planning to do with this, and had to get it out of the way.

Not sure this is gonna be my entry - or exactly what it actually is - but anyways ...

02/20/24 07:02:49PM
100 posts

Succession Theory Deep Dive Tutorial


Alright. This is probably a bit over my head still, but working on something quite interesting. Have no idea if it's gonna sound good yet ... there's a lot of strange harmonics in it, and I'm not at all certain I get it right creepy

02/20/24 04:16:16PM
100 posts

House practice track

Let us hear you!


really nice track man :)


Thanks!! I'm quite happy making some progress with my productions smiling-1

02/19/24 07:29:42AM
100 posts




Great fun working on this. Tried to keep faithful to the structure and orchestral theme, but turn into something a bit different!

Succession Transpire Arrangement - Transpire | Producertech



02/17/24 04:54:01PM
100 posts

Succession Theory Deep Dive Tutorial


OK, I have to ask now ... because I had this figured out as C harmonic minor, with the chord progression as Cm Ab Fm6 G ... (harmonic minor uses B rather than Bb as in natural minor)

The melody includes a couple passing notes not in scale either way as far as I can tell, and all notes kind of fits both Fm6 and Ddim, so not sure if it's important at all, just wondering if I'm thinking wrong here ...? 

02/14/24 04:02:10PM
100 posts

House practice track

Let us hear you!

Wow. Thanks! That's nice feedback.
Now I'm feeling some slight pressure for my next project though, to keep it up ... happy-8

02/13/24 10:34:28AM
100 posts

House practice track

Let us hear you!

Thanks mate!
Those are very kind words. I'm thinking I'm moving in the right direction at last! :D
