Genre recipes step-by-step
Hi y'all, glad to be back. It's been a while. I have noticed the PT forum still is a bit sedentary but with quality posts like the 35 days collab and others I am still very much motivated to follow and participate.
This here request of mine has been on my mind for years. I would like to have time-lined step-by-step recipes for music genres. I realize that deconstructing an existing song is part of the essential skill set of any (aspiring) music producer, but 'recipes' offer a quick intro into a genre (say 'minimal tech', 'reggaeton' [or even more specific sub-genres] etc.) AND give you the tools ('the grammar') to deconstruct other songs.
Recipes should include (this is not a complete list, just a quick sketch):
- Key
- Named parts of the song
- Instruments typically used in each part
- Midi resources for used instruments
- Variation indications
- Length indications of parts
- Insight as to which instruments are layered at what time
- etc.
The fact that such a recipe is bound to be very generic is exactly it's point, aspects like melody or chord sequences can be left to the 'cook' (but the recipe should include some pointers for those elements, possibly also some midi files).
If you argue that any construction kit or song template already equals a 'recipe' I would like to point out that analysis/interpretation/deconstruction of these resources is still left to the user. What are the attributes of the core drum beat of a track, what are its typical variations etc. Not many song templates that I know are meticulous in their part descriptions and quite a lot of song templates don't contain a song from start to finish; none of the templates that I bought contain any written explanations of the parts of the song and their (possible) variations.
I am not entirely sure in what shape or form such recipes should be presented, but even a more narrative form could work: "Start your 126 BPM E-minor Minimal Tech song by a hi-hat loop (sample of your choice or midi [link]) for xx bars, at bar xx introduce a kick etc. For this genre make sure your chosen hi-hat and kick (...) etc." A recipe built like a spreadsheet with time-lined columns and their musical parts could work even better.
It's my expectation that no song following the recipe will sound the same so it could be a fun challenge for competitions.
Perhaps on the WWW there's already a comprehensive, possibly authoritative resource on music genre recipes that I don't know about, in that case I would appreciate a link.