Beginner question related to mastering

2 years ago
7 posts

Guys, can you tell me what am I doing wrong - When I add ozone to the mix, my sound tears off, but in videos and demos, i see them not having this issue?

Here's how the channel strips look like, recorded a short screen recording  -

so, this song is basically me singing with a guitar with 1 mic recording both (input 1), i then added harmonies in the chorus by spliting the track and adding harmonie twice in 2 choruses in my song, so a total of 4 tracks as input 1, 

I am bussing them and sending them to bus 2 and then adding ozone there, it tore the sound. then it created a new channel automatically called stereo out and i added ozone there too, it didnt change the sound.

Can you tell me what exactly am i doing wrong, and where exactly should i place my ozone mastering plugin? which strip? there is a mastering strip created too but i cant put anything there, logic isnt letting me.
I am a beginner, so this would be very helpful to know.

2 years ago
265 posts

What do you mean by the sounding 'tearing off'. Is it turning off? Or do you mean its being heavily compressed by ozone? Might be useful to know so can help :)

2 years ago
7 posts

Tearing off as in what happens when it gets too loud that the song "bleeds", I am a beginner-level producer so dont know what will be the right word for it, i hope you get what I mean, like when the volume goes red or too loud, that the song sounds torn or not so stereo quality. If you see my screen rec, do you think I am doing any mistakes, what will be the corrections on that?

2 years ago
453 posts

Ozone needs to go on the master channel, which is where you actually have it in that vid (Ozone 9 not 10). There is no reason to be routing your 4 tracks to a bus. Just send them to the master channel where they can then be processed with master effects (mastering). I'm guessing the reason for running into the red/distorting etc. is that you're bussing your tracks (sending them all to an auxiliary channel) that is being processed with Ozone (10), then that signal is going to the master channel and being processed with another Ozone. In other words, you've got 2 lots of Ozone processing!

2 years ago
7 posts

A follow up to that - 1) if you notice, my ozone 9 is on st out, not on mastering strip. I cannot put anything on mastering strip, theres no option to.

2) Even when i have only one ozone, the sound till goes in the "loudness" red and bleeds.

3) From what you are saying, I am understanding, st out is the mastering channel. and when i add new audio tracks, they automatically go to st out, and then on st out i can add ozone and it will be good to go? 

Please correct me if I am wrong?

2 years ago
453 posts

1. Sorry yes, the master channel in Logic is just a volume fader, so the 'master' channel to put effects on is the Stereo Output one

2. in that case, there's probably not enough headroom (tracks are too loud - so turn them down), or this could be down to the settings in Ozone being too heavy - squashing things etc. too much 

3. yes smile-1

2 years ago
7 posts

Thanks, that helps, so in ozone i just use the singer songwriter styled preset. Do you suggest, i reduce the volume there? If I do reduce the volume, wont it affect the volume in the format. For example, when you start ozone, it asks which format do you want, options are - streaming, CD, etc. I choose streaming and then go for the AI automation in it. If I reduce the volume from that level, wont it be "off" based on the format?

2 years ago
47 posts

Don't think of it as volume... it's actually balance and placement within the mix. By balance I'm including both the level of the sound and it's placement within the stereo mix AND how it balances with the other sounds. IZotope can help with that in certain settings. The "assistant" in Ozone software is very helpful, especially when you apply reference tracks. 

Also... get your science nerd on. Understand how a sound wave is formed AND more importantly how they can affect or cancel each other out. Lots of awesome stuff out on that.

But, yes it seems you have IZotope processing itself. Study each element of IZotope software through their tutorials. They are awesome. And those can explain the different elements of IZotope software and how they work together SOMETIMES... not all the time. You are only going to use what you need on each channel. 

And some final compression on the master track... all you need IF you have your settings right on the sub tracks and aux. 

You want to use the fewest plugins possible on each track, while reaching the best mix... unless you have a supercomputer. Or an I9 with 64 gig ram and multiple 300 Mbps transfer-rate storage on a lightning fast motherboard.

But, really it's all about understanding IZotope software in this instance. It's become an industry standard over the last 3-4 years for a reason. But it's still necessary to understand the individual elements, and how they function together, to get the best mix possible.

updated by @betterledproductions: 03/22/23 08:05:56AM
2 years ago
453 posts


Thanks, that helps, so in ozone i just use the singer songwriter styled preset. Do you suggest, i reduce the volume there? If I do reduce the volume, wont it affect the volume in the format. For example, when you start ozone, it asks which format do you want, options are - streaming, CD, etc. I choose streaming and then go for the AI automation in it. If I reduce the volume from that level, wont it be "off" based on the format?


You don't touch the output level on the master track, or master output of Ozone. They will be mastering to a certain level as you say. You just need to consider how loud the signals are running into Ozone, and then how much they are being processed by it, e.g. how much they are being compressed and so on, which are the things that lead to sound degradation and distortion etc.


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