Is there something specific about Ableton Live or any other software you're struggling to work out? If so, start a topic in this part of the forum and someone in the community will get back to you...
updated by @ptmembership: 07/27/21 10:48:22AM
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How do people decide between Logic and Ableton? or is it best to learn both and then make a decision after?
Honestly, I think people just fall into one or the other. Both have their strong points but ultimately it's whatever you're most comfortable using. If you have the time and money to learn both then absolutely, go for it! Always better to be proficient in multiple DAWs if that's doable, but one is also more than enough! It's hard to say whether more people are using one or the other these days, although most of the producers in our circle have either switched over to Ableton from Logic or intend to do so, mainly to offer up more collaborative opportunities (which suggests more people are using it) or because of the increased flexibility and live performing capabilities.
I can’t really comment on Logic as the last version I used was made by C-Lab! But I used to use Cubase and then got a version of Ableton Lite bundled with a controller but had never heard it and dismissed it as not a proper DAW, but the warp function made it really good for digital DJing and mashups with loops etc. Over time I got more used to Ableton and with version updates it become more than just a DAW in my mind and the Workflow in Cubase just seemed really restrictive - ok for working on a track isolation but the game changer was just how modular Ableton is.
So my recommendation would be 100% Ableton it’s simple and complex at the same time and just seems to grow with you as you use it more - but I know Logic is now closer to Ableton so I’m sure there are people who use both who can offer some impartial advice
So my recommendation would be 100% Ableton it’s simple and complex at the same time and just seems to grow with you as you use it more - but I know Logic is now closer to Ableton so I’m sure there are people who use both who can offer some impartial advice
I cannot comment on logic as I don't use Mac.
I've started with Reaper, it's a really good DAW but not so beginner friendly, to use it well you have to know what you want to do and customize it. I've had a Live Lite 9 License with my keyboard so I've tried it and made the switch directly, never looked back!
I use Live for everything, I kow that some people don't like to mix & master with Live but I'm used to it and I like it and anyway I don't have the need, the time nor the money to learn another DAW... ^^
I've started with Reaper, it's a really good DAW but not so beginner friendly, to use it well you have to know what you want to do and customize it. I've had a Live Lite 9 License with my keyboard so I've tried it and made the switch directly, never looked back!

I use Live for everything, I kow that some people don't like to mix & master with Live but I'm used to it and I like it and anyway I don't have the need, the time nor the money to learn another DAW... ^^
I also can only command on Ableton since I never worked with other DAWs. The simple reason is that one of my daughters friend (worked partially as DJ) gave me some copy of Ableton 9 and I really was impressed by its functionality. Ableton integrated some much from Music theory and its always growing. In particular, with version 11 there are endless possibility to use Macros, key mappings, Macro shots which can leads to many happy accidence. I can't say what is my favored feature. But one time I experimented with the Midi effects Chords and I recommend it for customizing chord mappings to the key building a Midi rack. If somebody is interested in this topic please feel free to contact me.
Joerg W
Joerg W