Xmas Member Assignment 2024 - Fatboy Slim Tribute - Win Avenger 2!

2 months ago
453 posts

xmas assignment banner.jpg


Watch the Intro Video HERE (in the ACTIVITES area)

Rules are the same as always...

1. Make your track in a Fatboy Slim style 

2. Upload to your profile page on this site 

3. Post a link to your track on this thread


Best of luck! 

one month ago
453 posts

Extremely quiet on here!!! Anyone got any entries yet?!?

one month ago
12 posts

I'll get the ball rolling then. Look forward to hearing all the other entries.

If You Give Me Love I'll Give It Back To You - Transpire | Producertech

one month ago
100 posts

Hard at work trying to piece together something Rob! This was more difficult than I anticipated tbh ... :O
Good thing I still have a week!

Great stuff @transpire ! Really funky!

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
4 weeks ago
60 posts

I actually thought I might be first to post, as there was nothing on here when I checked yesterday - ah well! Great job, Transpire.
As Petter has mentioned, I also struggled with this one. My first attempt was a complete disaster. I'm a little happier with this one, although I think despite using several Big Beat techniques (automated filters, phased drums, repeated/stuttered sections) I may have drifted into a more standard kind of EDM (if there is such a thing) - who knows, maybe I've actually created a new subgenre, so just in case I've decided to name it "Big BDM"!
Anyway, here's my track - hope you like it :)

updated by @technic-tone: 01/13/25 04:47:53PM
4 weeks ago
55 posts

Hi all,

this is my contribution. I think it's more a chill-out big beat, than a full big beat song. Hope you like it anyway. I used old 95 BPM. Took me quiet a while to mix it properly down, because of the many beats and basses I layered together.

The main bass, starting at the beginning I played live because a friend of mine sold me his cheapest bass guitar. It was really fun. I'm more a guitar player, but I discovered that bass can also be very much fun to play.


I also uploaded it on Soundcloud.


Good luck everybody.

Cheers Paddy

updated by @freethinkerinc: 01/15/25 09:50:25PM
4 weeks ago
100 posts

Right, time flies and stuff piling up for the weekend too :O So had to try and get this one done ... 

Ideally should've spent some more time on percussion details and especially the acid synths - and mixing - but hey I'm totally flabbing around in the deep end here anyways, so not sure if it'll make too much of a difference :D

Anyways, I've sampled some bits from a couple of my (many) favourite 80's songs and tried to make something in the spirit of early Fatboy Slim ... hope it's not a total abomination. I called it 'Move Yourself' and here we go:

Move Yourself [Fatboy Slim challenge]

3 weeks ago
33 posts

Some great entries so far! Well done all.

Grabbed my sampler and a Winstons 7 inch record and here we go!


simon unsigned
simon unsigned
3 weeks ago
112 posts

I had a lot of fun with this one and went for the classic era of breaks, vocal snippets, stabs and 303.

Also had a go at a tempo change/ramp up which I've never done before and also kept it all sample-based except for the 303.

Reminded me of the old days when all I had was an Atari ST and an Akai S950.  Rumour has it, that's what Norman still uses, but I doubt that's true!


simon unsigned
simon unsigned
3 weeks ago
112 posts

Love the INXS sample Petter! (I think that's what it is) and the mix is very polished too, what's your secret? :-)


Right, time flies and stuff piling up for the weekend too :O So had to try and get this one done ... 

Ideally should've spent some more time on percussion details and especially the acid synths - and mixing - but hey I'm totally flabbing around in the deep end here anyways, so not sure if it'll make too much of a difference :D

Anyways, I've sampled some bits from a couple of my (many) favourite 80's songs and tried to make something in the spirit of early Fatboy Slim ... hope it's not a total abomination. I called it 'Move Yourself' and here we go:

Move Yourself [Fatboy Slim challenge]


3 weeks ago
52 posts

Didn't actually start this until after xmas, so it's a quick one! A bot of a challenging one as way out of my genre zone, but fun and educational none the less! Hope you enjoy it. Here's my entry:

Do you wanna get slim...Fatboy?

3 weeks ago
100 posts

Found a small pocket of time to (hopefully) slightly improve my mix, and have updated my entry. 

But wow, what a lineup once more! All bangers, and all so lovely different. Like them all, and yet again I'm very happy I'm not the one picking a winner here :)  Well Rob should have his challenge too, right! :D

ben m
ben m
3 weeks ago
17 posts

Another late one from me, and another not enough time to do a decent mix etc blah blah. Anyway, I based this largely on Right Here, Right now, couldn't quite bring myself to go the major key, full big beat route. Have no idea why, but it ended up with a cathedral vibe...

Crazy Things At Night - Ben M | Producertech

3 weeks ago
100 posts

Another great one @ben-m ! Love those Faithless like chords :D

And @simon-unsigned ; Yeah, the guitar riff is nicked from New Sensation :)  Glad you liked it, not sure there's a secret - if any, perhaps the about 50 Producertech courses I took :D

2 weeks ago
453 posts

Nice work on the entries everyone! As you may have seen in the email over the weekend, we'll have a feedback Zoom session on this tomorrow.

Click HERE to join.

See you all then! happy-11

xmas assignment feedback bannerr livestream.jpg

453 posts

Well done again everyone. This was a great assignment and another tough one to judge! I'll upload the Zoom session here in case anyone wants to see it...


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