Forum Activity for @technic-tone

Technic Tone
09/07/23 03:43:13PM
60 posts

Track in progress...

Let us hear you!

Hi all,

I'm currently working on the following track:

I'll be adding some real vocals shortly (you can probably tell it's currently a computer generated voice). Would just like to get some feedback on any areas I need to address when putting the final mix together?

Thanks in advance :)

Technic Tone
08/30/23 06:22:11PM
60 posts

New Member Brass-ignment!


Hi Samuel,

I wasn't sure what a Balkan Brass band actually sounded like so I've just been listening on YouTube and I see what you mean - but, as they say in the movie credits, 'This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental'! Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :)

Technic Tone
08/28/23 06:35:45PM
60 posts

New Member Brass-ignment!


Hi everyone,

This was good fun. Started out more acoustic but, as I migrated towards the electronic, it ended up sounding like a 70s TV theme tune!
Anyway, here it is:

Enjoy :)

Technic Tone
06/29/23 07:26:16PM
60 posts

Instrumental Track

Let us hear you!


Yes! It's a quirky track so if the mixing is a bit quirky too it doesn't jump out. When you produce in certain dance music styles, there are more rules you have to follow, as you're being compared to lots of other tracks. Essentially, you're not as free to make choices, or it can be harder to break free from expectations at least, certainly on the mix side of things. Your choices for making the drums lower in the mix for instance and things like the vocal melody louder are your decisions to make. It's quite a shambolic mix and could be cleaner no doubt, but is packed full of character and originality so it doesn't really matter. This could easily be the theme to something! 


Thanks for your feedback.

Technic Tone
06/21/23 07:13:15PM
60 posts

Instrumental Track

Let us hear you!


I agree. Very original Tone! Unique vibe and atmosphere.

You'd be a great composer of TV themes I reckon.


I'm not sure I've reached that level yet, but thanks anyway. Do you think the mix sounds reasonably well balanced?

Technic Tone
06/21/23 07:09:36PM
60 posts

Instrumental Track

Let us hear you!


Woah! this is super unique and cool. I love that it doesnt really instantly fit into any defined genre too. What sound sources/samples/synths ere you using for the different strings?


Thanks. The strings are a mix, partly of Cymatics samples (some of which I've loaded into a sampler so that I could play them melodically on the keyboard) and also the BBC Symphony Orchestra plugin from Spitfire Audio.

Technic Tone
06/15/23 04:52:28PM
60 posts

Instrumental Track

Let us hear you!

Hi all,

I'm currently working on this instrumental composition:

Would love to get some constructive feedback.



Technic Tone
05/06/23 03:09:24PM
60 posts



Hi everyone,

Here's my entry. I tried to stay faithful to the completely bonkers nature of the original! Hope you like it :)

Technic Tone
04/04/23 04:11:36PM
60 posts

Waves controversy

General Producer Chat

I'm glad they've reinstated the perpetual licenses - not a fan of subscriptions (Producertech aside, obviously!)

Technic Tone
02/15/23 01:57:52PM
60 posts

Jafunk Member Livestream - Pro Mixing Techniques & QnA


Hi Jafunk,

I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your vocal course that I've just finished watching. There were plenty of tips that I'm hoping to implement in my next track :) I particularly liked the way you manually detuned the vocal doubles just a fraction in key places to 'thicken' the overall sound. The only part I'm not sure of moving forwards is how to get the vocals to balance nicely in the overall mix (with the rest of the instruments). Is this something you could possibly cover in a future video? Thanks again,

