Musical collaboration
Let us hear you!
Hi all, I've been thinking about collaborative ideas and was wondering if anybody on here would be keen to join me on a collaborative learning journey - the idea being, we learn from each other. So my idea is that we split up the process of writing a track into parts of the creation process an example could be something like this:
1 Beats
2 Baseline / chords / melody and turn into 2x sections
3 Arrangement
4 Mixing
5 Mastering
Each person would do one (or more depending on how many people want to be involved) of the parts of the process on a track and then hand over wav files (separated parts) to the next person for their part. We could agree some rough timelines of 2x weeks for each person. Throughout the experience, we could share feedback/progress with each other and help each other through our journey whilst encouraging us to commit to some deadlines (giving tips or signposting to some training videos perhaps)
Personally, I really felt that I learnt so much from the previous remix comp where I got upfront and personal with stems to then hear how others took the same stems in all sorts of different directions. So thinking this would be a good way to encourage learning from each other.
Any thoughts on this, or if you are interested in doing this, or maybe you've done something similar before, in which case would be interested to know whats worked and what hasn't. Please answer in this thread and thats just a rough idea, we can tweak details so it works for people (or drop it if there is no interest)..