Forum Activity for @smillington

09/12/22 05:34:39PM
101 posts

Musical collaboration

Let us hear you!

Hi all, I've been thinking about collaborative ideas and was wondering if anybody on here would be keen to join me on a collaborative learning journey - the idea being, we learn from each other. So my idea is that we split up the process of writing a track into parts of the creation process an example could be something like this:
1 Beats
2 Baseline / chords / melody and turn into 2x sections
3 Arrangement
4 Mixing
5 Mastering

Each person would do one (or more depending on how many people want to be involved) of the parts of the process on a track and then hand over wav files (separated parts) to the next person for their part. We could agree some rough timelines of 2x weeks for each person. Throughout the experience, we could share feedback/progress with each other and help each other through our journey whilst encouraging us to commit to some deadlines (giving tips or signposting to some training videos perhaps)
Personally, I really felt that I learnt so much from the previous remix comp where I got upfront and personal with stems to then hear how others took the same stems in all sorts of different directions. So thinking this would be a good way to encourage learning from each other.

Any thoughts on this, or if you are interested in doing this, or maybe you've done something similar before, in which case would be interested to know whats worked and what hasn't. Please answer in this thread and thats just a rough idea, we can tweak details so it works for people (or drop it if there is no interest)..

09/04/22 11:12:01PM
101 posts

New Track - Surface Pressure

Let us hear you!

Drum and Bass Remix of Surface Pressure from Disney's Encanto:

I am not sure whether there are any copyright rules breached by this track. Would be happy to hear any advice on this. Really I don't have any intention of commercial gains from it, so if Disney wanted to sue me for a % of $0 then so be it..

As ever feedback would be gratefully received also.

I am particularly happy with this track, really feel I have come a long way with finding a good complimentary drum sounds and making my own beat. Roll on the next one!
updated by @smillington: 09/04/22 11:20:20PM
09/04/22 11:01:06PM
101 posts

New Track - 303 Challenge

Let us hear you!

Catching up with some old tracks I've been working on. I made a track for the 303 assignment - am keen to hear any feedback:

I did most of the ground work for this track a few months ago. Found it incredibly challenging keeping to 2 samples. Am really happy with the sounds I managed to create from this.
Was a bit of an issue with the drums and also ended up falling back on using some inspiration from the Nikki Nair example.
Feel I did an OK job in the end although wish I made some different decisions with the drums earlier on to make them punch through better in the end. Sometimes you just have to draw a line and move on from things though.\
Thanks for any listens and feedback
updated by @smillington: 09/04/22 11:20:37PM
08/25/22 05:49:28PM
101 posts

Paul Maddox Livestream 25/08/2022 1800BST


Haha - love it @nufferzzz
Looking forwards to the session :-)
updated by @smillington: 08/25/22 05:49:40PM
08/25/22 03:05:39PM
101 posts

Paul Maddox Livestream 25/08/2022 1800BST


Oooh love that your taking a vote on this. I'm voting for garage infused tech house just to be controversial
Happy for whatever though..
06/19/22 09:25:30PM
101 posts



mmm, total failure am I... (Yoda voice)

Don't think that way dude. Just make stuff when you can, share it, learn and I'm sure you would get feedback anyway.. You win!
06/10/22 02:04:39PM
101 posts



I've gone back and forth between three projects and now I'm so confused what the right chords I've screwed up all of them. Could someone please run through the Glassy Chord progression? That's all I need. Sound designing a show set in the 20's and trying to keep up with 'concert' this or that in brass and woodwind... my ears are exhausted. Please?

Wait... we are in F, right? or was it C maj?

And if anyone knows Ken Burns, I could really use his help with educating some folks on how NOT to whitewash 1920's jazz... again... damn I'm tired of a poor education system.

Hi mate - Rob made a video on this which breaks it down pretty well. Also if it makes sense the chords are mainly:
FMaj7, Emin7, Amin7, Gmin7, C7
I would say the key is a bit ambiguous between F and C to be fair (as there is a b flat and a b natural in the chord progressions) - Personally I'm going with F. Hopefully this is helpful

By the way, I took a listen to your other tracks on here and am loving your style; would love to hear what you can do with this track as well.
06/10/22 01:16:55PM
101 posts

Dub and dub remix’s

Member Content Requests

Yes - would love this as well!
06/09/22 05:19:20PM
101 posts



Apologies - Im sure this is the wrong place for this note.
Im massively looking forward to the livestream tonight as after what feels like a lifetime on this track, I'm about to enter into mastering stage of my Somewhere with you Remix, so its perfect timing for me.
I am trying to do everything in Reason rather than Ableton, so was wondering if you would be able to emphasise principles and any free VSTs you could recommend to do the same job as you have built in Ableton. (Appreciate you may not wish to go down a rabbit hole of Reason, as this is fairly niche).
I will try to keep up with the stream and put my questions in the chat as we go (as long as I don't get dragged into family responsibilities)
Anyway - see you folks on the other side....
06/08/22 10:34:44PM
101 posts



Thanks everyone who has posted their tracks up already - its really helpful and inspiring to hear the direction that others are taking this in.
I figured I would follow suit as well and put my working version up here:

There is still lots to do - but I finally feel like I can see the end point (I think - haha)

Any early feedback would be greatly appreciated

Heyyyy Smillington! This is sounding great! Is that your vocals?

Hey @bevanmusiq - cheers buddy; think I will be working up to the deadline on this one... No not my vocals - I decimated allot of samples as well as recording some instrumentals. Thanks for listening...