Anyone want to make a track in 35 days?
Collaborative Space
Here's the framework for the rest of week 2:
Part 2 (Days 3 to 7): Complete and finalise all your parts and combine them into the arrangement sections.
Finish creating all the main elements that will go into your track. If you’ve only got them all running in a loop, lay them out into the different sections of your arrangement map.
Now the parts are working within the different arrangement sections, consider whether any parts aren’t working and replace them if needed. It’s best to make these decisions as early as possible and commit to your parts and arrangement before progressing further with the track.
Work on the minor elements; fills and stabs etc so you’ve got all the content laid out across the whole arrangement.
Make any sound design tweaks you think are needed and start to make some fundamental mix decisions and basic eq adjustments – the track should be starting to gel together and you should have a clear idea how it’s going to sound as a finished track.
If there are any major mix automation/transition sections e.g. filter/EQ sweeps, you should start putting the basic elements of these in now, but not aiming to have the finished result yet.
Depending on your progress, carry out the following steps either right at the end of the week or if the track is starting to take shape sooner you can do the following process multiple times between sessions:
- Export the track as an audio file
- Transfer the file onto a phone/cloud drive; somewhere you can listen to it away from your DAW and on a different set of speakers/headphones
- After a break (ideally the next day), listen to the audio file (important to do this away from your DAW) with a notebook and make a list of anything obvious you want to improve
- Ideally your notes should be specific and actionable e.g.
- Tune or replace the snare sound so it fits with the rest of the drums
- Add some shuffle to the hi hat pattern
- Layer an additional sub bass sound into the bassline
- Change the pad chords at the end of 8 bars to create more tension
At the end of week 2 you should have…
- A complete track with all your parts laid out across the arrangement timeline
- Basic mix/eq settings on some of the tracks
- An audio export of the track so far
- Written notes of areas that you need to work on