Mix feedback

7 months ago
265 posts


Hi all

Working on this floaty house track, but there's something amiss in the mix and I've been trying everything to no avail.

Any tips?

7 months ago
100 posts

That's some groove you've got going there Sam! I like it a lot!

My humble opinion:
Definitely needs some high strings.
Probably some claps?
I would like some soft electric keys to bounce off and support that lovely lead too.
Perhaps a subtle lush pad might be good as well ... very very subtle.

Something like this:

(apologies if I didn't get the chords right - I used Bbm Eb Fm Ab - but hope you get what I mean)

7 months ago
265 posts


That's some groove you've got going there Sam! I like it a lot!

My humble opinion:
Definitely needs some high strings.
Probably some claps?
I would like some soft electric keys to bounce off and support that lovely lead too.
Perhaps a subtle lush pad might be good as well ... very very subtle.

Something like this:

(apologies if I didn't get the chords right - I used Bbm Eb Fm Ab - but hope you get what I mean)


Hi Petter

Thanks for your feedback - I like your ideas!

Respectfully, I am actually content with the elements of the track, it's the mix I need with - how best to balance the levels, compression, EQ etc.

7 months ago
100 posts

Yeah, that's what you get when amateurs respond - something completely different laughing-2

I see what you mean, my suggestions are production related obviously, not to the mix ... apologies!

May I extrapolate a bit on that though? I think my instinct here was that something is a bit missing in the 1-3k area, and the clap and strings would sit nicely in that pocket. Perhaps you could look at some EQ moves on chords/lead to remedy that? I believe this is the 'presence' area of frequencies, so probably quite important to carry the song.

Also, might it be that you have overcooked the levels on the hats slightly to compensate?

As for compression, that's for more experienced ears than mine atm ...

Anyways, hope you get it sorted - sounds like a good tune that!

6 months ago
265 posts

No no all good! I love your tunes and your feedback is always appreciated :)

I actually agree that you're right - and it's a reminder that sometimes the music and the mixing aren't always as seperated as I might think! There's either some kind of hole, or too much going on.

I think you mgiht be right about the hats - listening back now, a week or so later, I can hear my own mistakes a little more clearly. Thanks for helping to bring it to my attention!

6 months ago
52 posts

Hey Sam, cool vibe! Another amateur but I would definitely tone down those hats a bit, so a bit of EQ there and just lower them in the mix in my opinion. Conversely give that bass a bit more low end but only a tad.  

That's my limited and somewhat subjective opinion, but you've heard my tracks, they tend to be quite bass heavy! laughing-1 

6 months ago
33 posts

Hi Sam, really like the vibe. For me the kick and bass are in the way of each other and overall it seems a bit central maybe?

You might of course want that to be the case but maybe have a look at the kick and bass and get the kick transient some space initially. I think the focus on the hat is not helped by the lack of other percussive elements - I'm sure you would have added these later but might be better to add some now and balance all of that around the main hat with some panning - then we'd all probably not hear it that much. But agree with the others that it seems a bit too present. 

As it's house surely you need some keys! goofy-1

Something I did on the 8 track assignment was sidechain key elements (vocal versus lead arp for example), ducking them out of the way at certain points. As long as you've tackled the basic eq requirements removing low / high end from tracks as required I mean. Also added dynamic eq boost over my key lead frequency, to acentuate the bit I liked the most....if that makes any sense! 

Looking forward to see how this goes for you.  

6 months ago
265 posts

Hey Manix & Nigel

Thanks for your feedback/help. It seems likethe hats are definitely the main culprit. I'll tone them down and perhaps swap them out for a different sample methinks! I'll try your various suggestions and see what works best and get back here with the results soon. Thnx!


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