Track in progress...

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
last year
57 posts

Hi all,

I'm currently working on the following track:

I'll be adding some real vocals shortly (you can probably tell it's currently a computer generated voice). Would just like to get some feedback on any areas I need to address when putting the final mix together?

Thanks in advance :)

simon unsigned
simon unsigned
last year
107 posts

Hi Tone - really like the track.  If the real vocal doesn't work out, I think you could still use this computer vocal with a bit of processing, it makes the track work for me (got an 'Air' sound to it).

If I had to pick one thing that could maybe improve the mix, there's a pad-like sound in most of the track, it's what I think you've used as the bassline, seems to have a lot of higher frequencies which might be masking a lot of the other sounds because it's got a lot of sustain.  You could try layering a 2nd bass note with less sustain and/or filtering down the current sound.

When it's ready, let me know if you'd like me to release it for you (see my other post on here happy-1)

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
last year
57 posts

Hi Simon, its funny you should mention the pad sound - I wasn't sure if it was causing some muddiness in the track as, like you said, it is covering a lot of the frequency spectrum. I'll try filtering it and adding a second (shorter) layer as you suggested. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I'll let you know when its finally finished so you can see what you think. Thanks again.

last year
127 posts

Nice track Tone. Yes, as Simon says, the fully sustained pad is adding continual low and high mid frequencies into the mix, which are adding a lot of extra noise and masking vocal, drums etc. I know sometimes it can be tempting to keep sounds like this in a mix and when you filter them down, it can sound empty. However, even after adding fairly extreme filtering, the addition of saturation/excitement and so on to the upper frequency parts of the signal can add a fair bit of extra character back in, whilst maintaining the space you need for other parts. Bright and resonant pads can be a tricky one in a mix for sure!

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
last year
57 posts

Hi Rob, the whole track basically started with that pesky pad - I used a technique I picked up from a YouTube video which sounds good on its own but, as I'm now discovering, is creating all sorts of issues in the mix. Extreme filtering here I come! Thanks for the advice :)


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