New Track - Modern Pop with a 90's Trance feel

last year
101 posts

Ive written a new track and would love to receive feedback from anyone that cares to listen:

Not sure exactly how I ended up writing in this style - totally went for something totally new to me.  

Thanks for listening..

updated by @smillington: 07/19/23 12:18:22AM
last year
434 posts

Thanks for posting Simon. Yes, quite a change in style! It's a pretty welcome departure though. Well put together musically and a decent arrangement. Good job! One of the best ones I've heard from you happy-9

A great balance of floaty, uplifting and driving.

last year
47 posts

Definitely has that trancey retro feel about it and feels light an airy! Can't help but want a bigger drop but that's just my personal taste (you've listened to some of my stuff! wink-1). The arrangement works well and all the elements work well together, nice work. 

last year
101 posts

Thanks both - yeah good point, I did have trouble with that drop and was never exactly satisfied.. 

last year
260 posts

This is really well made, got some serious detail and layering going on. Love the vocal as well, good use of a sample.Mixdown is well balanced too. Quite meditative and relaxing but still driving. Nice one!


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