Progressive House - Shamed

6 months ago
100 posts

Finally finished some new music :D 

This time a kind of progressive house track (I think), which I am overall quite pleased with actually.

However, I have been trying out a number of kicks on this, and still not sure I got it ... been trying to figure out drums in general a bit of late, as this is apparently a recurrent issue for me ... any input appreciated.

Also, I've included some guitar parts in second drop that are not particularly genre appropriate, so very interested to hear any thoughts on those.

(and no Sam, it's not me singing here either! ;)

6 months ago
52 posts

Nice work Petter. I really like that! For me the Guitar parts don't work in the track, kind of clutters up the mix and I don't think they add anything, If anything they take away from the stronger and more appropriate parts of the track.I actually think some sort of strings would work great, I think the idea is there, it's just a Guitar for me isn't the instrument. Defo enjoy adding that added bit of euphoria in the track! The kick is tricky, it is quite muddy for my tastes and could probably do with some more compression. You also lose it a bit in the later sections, so I'd pay some attention to that. 

The rest of the track sounds great, love those lead sounds an the interplay with the vocals. Works well IMO. Great work mate!

6 months ago
100 posts

Thanks @manixdj ! Really appreciate the feedback.

Listened back to it now, and I agree with you. The guitars are kind of detached from the sonics of the track ... I did indeed try to get a lift during the second drop, and wanted some grit to it, but should revert to synths to make it blend in better.

Kicks seems so easy, but are so hard. Hopefully it will be easier with more practice. Still struggle with compression, especially low end ...

5 months ago
265 posts

Hi Petter

Good stuff as usual! Love the pumoiness of it, very hypnotic - I personally like the music and wouldn't really change it much. I would say that the high end is too harsh, and would lead to ear fatigue. I would have a look at a spectrogram reading of the track, and if you see a big increase in volume around the 15-20k region, I'd suggest removing it. By doing this, it'll also bring out the lower end more. Still great track, keep em coming!

5 months ago
33 posts

Hi, I really like the track too and think the kick sounds good. I am guessing at what you might want to do it, and would guess at more transient perhaps? Agree with manixdj that it seems quieter towards the end...

Not sure if you've tried any of Baphometrix Clip to Zero tutorials, and they are lengthy, but this one might offer something ?

5 months ago
100 posts

Thank you Sam and @nigel

Now that you mention it Sam, I think you're right ... might try rolling off the top somewhat here actually.

And already looking a bit into digging out that kick a little better.

It's so helpful with some extra ears when trying to improve everything at once. Really appreciate it guys! :D


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