Perhaps outside the ProducerTech biosphere but I would like a tut/breakdown on Big Room House "Festival Bangers"; I know this genre by its unadulterated commercial slant is not very well liked among the musical gourmets in this community but for others it might be fun to have a go. As it can't be denied the genre is quite popular market wise with plenty of streams, popular events and festivals it will be of extra interest for those of us in pursuit of the elusive ... banger. As a genre Big Room is nowadays stylistically a bit more diverse compared to its early days so a tut could focus on a subgenre with greater appeal to the larger PT audience.
At this point I would even welcome a tut/breakdown in the jocular vein of a musical style "hackneyed pastiche*" and if so I immediately would like to add a similar request for "Hardstyle"!
I suspect the Mainroom courses on ProducerTech could provide some transferable skills for Big Room but I haven't explored that route yet.
* I thought I'd just invented this phrase but it turns out to be a bit of a trope among movie and literature critics...