Vocal Production
Member Content Requests
Knowing your music Tone, part of the problem is that you often have noisy sounds that lie in the same range as your vocals. The reason Jafunk has less problems mixing vocals is down first and foremost to the other sounds in the mix and the way that everything is arranged. If you have noisy synths with a lot of mid frequencies going on at the same time as your vocals, it's always going to end up being more of a challenge. You can get far with good use of EQ and automated filtering (as shown on the Beginners Guide to Arranging and Art of Filtering courses), but everything becomes a lot easier when other parts are simply moved out of the way, or selected more carefully so not to overlap and so mask or bury the vocals.
Did you check Ellie's course actually - Alt Pop Production? She's obviously a highly succesful producer of Vocal Pop and you can learn a lot from the way she composes/arranges music and then layers up vocals around it.