Forum Activity for @ptmembership

01/20/24 01:10:38PM
453 posts

Self Releasing Music

General Producer Chat

Good question. I don't personally, but a good friend of mine set up their own label that we used to release on back in the day - Acidphonic. The label technically isn't going anymore but you can still find the music on Beatport etc.

I've known quite a few label bosses in my time too, so I'll try to garner some nuggets of wisdom from them to share...

01/19/24 03:27:10PM
453 posts

Vocal Production

Member Content Requests

Nice one Tone! Good luck with it and feel free to send stems if and when you need... I'll maybe look at some vocal processing tips for one of the bonus tutorial series in the next month or so too, as I can think of a few different techniques that have been covered in various courses but not compiled anywhere.

01/19/24 03:24:30PM
453 posts

Bass Tuning Bonus Tutorials


Yes, it's a surprisingly common but not very often talked about issue! I had a great reply from one of our members asking about whether it's possible to remove harmonics from Wavetables in Serum and I'm still investigating this to find out whether it's possible - it seems like it's not due to the slightly limited processing options being based around basic filtering rather than specific harmonic removal. We'll keep looking into that though.....

Also, @seppa may know more about this?

01/13/24 05:01:21PM
453 posts

Bass Tuning Bonus Tutorials


As mentioned on last week's stream, this week you've got a couple of bass tuning tutorials for extra, exclusive learning joyful-2

The first part looks at music theory basics, so is more suited to beginners or people with less of an understanding of major and minor keys. The second part then gets more advanced and goes into the harmonic series and understanding why some bass patches end up with major intervals in them, as well as how to avoid or fix this when required.




01/11/24 01:25:00PM
453 posts

Vocal Production

Member Content Requests

Another way to approach this by the way is to send us a track you're struggling with so we can give specific feedback and pointers... feel free to link to a track or send stems.

updated by @ptmembership: 01/11/24 01:25:24PM
01/11/24 01:24:06PM
453 posts

Vocal Production

Member Content Requests

Knowing your music Tone, part of the problem is that you often have noisy sounds that lie in the same range as your vocals. The reason Jafunk has less problems mixing vocals is down first and foremost to the other sounds in the mix and the way that everything is arranged. If you have noisy synths with a lot of mid frequencies going on at the same time as your vocals, it's always going to end up being more of a challenge. You can get far with good use of EQ and automated filtering (as shown on the Beginners Guide to Arranging and Art of Filtering courses), but everything becomes a lot easier when other parts are simply moved out of the way, or selected more carefully so not to overlap and so mask or bury the vocals.

Did you check Ellie's course actually - Alt Pop Production? She's obviously a highly succesful producer of Vocal Pop and you can learn a lot from the way she composes/arranges music and then layers up vocals around it.

01/05/24 04:21:42PM
453 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Congrats again @petter and @manixdj I look forward to checking out the new mix Petter! happy-9

In case anyone wants to check out last night's Zoom, you can download it here.

01/03/24 07:16:23PM
453 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Hey y'all.

Join us tomorrow at 6PM for some final festive cheer and Xmassy music with our review of the assignment entries and selection of the winners! 

Click here to join the Zoom meet...


01/03/24 12:12:07PM
453 posts



Someone is still to hit us up about the Lifeline Expanse giveaway. Who won that one? Was it @ben-m? Give us a shout soon anyway so we can issue the coupon...

01/02/24 10:55:06AM
453 posts

Xmassignment - Win Big Prizes!


Happy New Year everyone! 

It's fine Simon don't worry. Cut off is now so you're all good! 

Right, let's listen to some more Xmas music then.... goofy-1
