New track - Citrus Voices

3 years ago
24 posts
Been working on this one for a few weeks, going to use this in a mix this summer! 🌞
3 years ago
265 posts
Very nice Neon Critter! This is a bit of me. Got a kind of Berlin feel to it with the pounding kicks. Very intense and hard
3 years ago
454 posts
Good work! Genre is listed as chillout though?!?

Some great moments in there! Nice groove at the start. Love the contrasting sections, with the vocals for example. I felt like you could have simplified things in certain parts though and made more of the great ideas you've got in there, rather than simply combining them all (the most minimal parts of the track are my favourite personally because they make for an easier listen).

Also, you could aim for a little more flow generally - the FX sound you have is good to help smooth transitions, but you could have some more fills and perhaps develop parts a bit more to lead in and out of sections, so things aren't happening so abruptly.

Nice work overall though :)


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