Microphone Recording

last year
265 posts

Hi all

So, recording maybe isn't something at the top of the list of priorities for a lot of electronic producers - it's very easy to stay completely in the box and get great results.

However, I've been experimenting a lot more with recording bits of my voice, percussion, guitars etc to add organic layers to my tunes.

And my question is... what are some good recording tips?

I know for example, you shouldn't be too close to the mic as it'll be too bassy, but also not too far as you'll start hearing the room reverb. And that when you're recording your voice you should do it at an angle.

I know these as small tidbits of info but would be nice to have a pro explain them properly, and any other good info - recommended microphones etc.


last year
459 posts

A decent condenser is recommended. And a pop shield! Although you can just use some tights over a coat hanger if you want to be old school!

RODE are a quality home studio brand, although there are cheaper, nice alternatives too.

last year
265 posts

Hi Rob, Thanks for your reply!

Everyone online receommends a Rode NT1-A, so I think I'll go for that, especially as you've confirmed Rode is reliable.

Love the coathanger tip ;)


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