Syncing MIDI

3 years ago
265 posts
Hello all

I've got my hands on a few pieces of hardware. a couple of Emus, a 303 and an 808. I was wondering what is the best way I can sync them all up to each other, and to the BPM of my DAW?

Any suggestions would be great !
3 years ago
459 posts
Do you have an interface with MIDI outputs? If so, you can use Ableton as the master and then sync everything from that. You'd just need to turn on Sync (checkbox in the port section) for the MIDI Out port of your interface, in Ableton's prefs.

Then, connect a MIDI cable from the interface's MIDI Out to the first bit of hardware's MIDI In, and set the hardware to sync to that MIDI In. Then, if there's a MIDI Thru port on that hardware, you can link that to the next bit of hardware's MIDI In and do the same there. If there's no MIDI Thru, then you might have to set up the hardware so the sync signal routes to its MIDI Out, and then connect that port to the MIDI In of the next bit of kit.

If ports are limited on the hardware or the setup not working when chaining the hardware in that way, then you might need a MIDI interface or hub (multiple Ins and Outs), to send out the sync signal separately to the different hardware.

Let us know how you get on!


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