Bonus Leads Rack

2 years ago
453 posts

Following on from the last livestream looking at leads, we've put together an Ableton Rack for you for creating your own instant lead lines. There are 10 different sounds in there (selectable with the first dial in the rack) and a tonne of different effects for sculpting those sounds. We'll go through the rack in more detail in the next member livestream and also make a quick intro vid later in the week too...

If you want to check out the rack in the meantime, go to the DOWNLOADS section and grab the project. If you want to save the rack to your library just click the save switch in the rack header and keep the downloaded project containing the rack's samples somewhere safe on your computer.

Enjoy! happy-7

updated by @ptmembership: 10/15/23 11:58:08AM
2 years ago
265 posts

Thanks Rob - gonna download this now and give it a go tonight. I'm missing a lead on a track so this should help...


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