Bass Problems

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
2 years ago
60 posts

Hi all,

The track I'm currently working on is causing me a few issues. Here's a link to the chorus section.

To me the low end sounds a bit muddy/distorted. Any tips on how to go about cleaning this up?

PS. It didn't sound too bad until I boosted the volume of the kick and bass (which I'm already side-chaining) to try and get closer to the reference track I'm using - I guess it just amplified problems that were previously hiding!

Any help would be much appreciated :)

updated by @technic-tone: 09/19/23 03:45:49PM
2 years ago
459 posts

Hi Tone. The bottom end itself isn't muddy. The low frequency content on its own seems fine to me. It's more the low frequency sounds you're using that are muddy. The kick is the most obvious one. It doesn't seem to have any high frequencies in it, so it's very muffled. I would try working on the transient of the kick, so it cuts through the mix properly. That way, it'll bring it more up front and in alignment with the hats etc. which all sound fine.

If you're hearing distortion in the low end perhaps it's something to do with compressors you might be using to sidechain or otherwise, which are breaking up the signal somehow.

Technic Tone
Technic Tone
2 years ago
60 posts

Hi, there were a few issues. As you suggested, the kick was a bit lacking so I added an extra layer with a stronger transient and higher fundamental. The distortion I was hearing seems to have been coming from the sub bass - I didn't realise it was generating so much upper harmonic information! Rolling off the top end plus a touch of additional EQ here and there in the lows really seems to have cleared things up - I'm much happier with how its sounding now :)

Here's the full track:

Thank you for your help,


updated by @technic-tone: 09/19/23 07:38:09PM
2 years ago
265 posts

Hi Tone

Nice track - good structure, very clear verse/chorus transitions which is good.

I agree with Rob, you have cleaned up the bottom end a fair bit. I would still say the kick is very low in the mix/difficult to hear or feel - essentially it feels lost amongst a sea of reverb. As Rob said, it is very muffled anyway. I suspect you could swap it out for a better sample. The phrase 'you can't polish a turd' comes to mind, in reference to the kick sample

updated by @samuelclouston: 10/02/23 10:51:45AM
Technic Tone
Technic Tone
2 years ago
60 posts

Hi Samuel,

Years ago I owned a Ford Escort which I did upon occasion used to polish, which may actually disprove your colourful analogy, but I get what you're saying! I think I may have gone too far the other way with my latest track (or the sample is too good), as the kick is probably standing out a bit too much this time.

Thanks for your feedback :)


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