New Creatures Liquid DnB Course on the way!

2 years ago
129 posts

Excited to have more from Creatures, especially on this genre, which isn't something we have masses of on the site (it's way more rolling/neuro belters generally!).

Expect the course in June :) :) 

2 years ago
265 posts

Oioiiii! Liquid dnb is the one. Stoked to check this one out - the last creatures course was quality

2 years ago
101 posts

Loving this course; very inspiring to get to those liquid summer vibes.

Do you think seppa could do a livestream and finish arranging the track? It would be great to see how he brings in the variations in, so that he keeps a large repeated section interesting.

Also I feel like I have loads of questions about the plug ins and what they bring to the table - so I can work out how to get the same outputs with my own existing devices...

Either way thanks for the tutorials 🙏 

2 years ago
454 posts

Glad you're enjoying it Simon! Yes, definitely nice to have some summery flavours going on! I would like to get Creatures to do a livestream but he's not too keen as yet. I will work on him though....


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