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Rob Jones Scaler Livestream - Thursday 17th June 17.00 BST
Rob will be going through the new features in Scaler 2.4, with a particular focus on composing chord hooks in the expanded Modulation section.
Tutor: RobJonesSimon Shackleton Member Livestream - Thursday 3rd June 18.00 BST
A walkthrough 2 recent tracks, including a look at the orchestration or melodies and beats production involved.
Tutor: simonshackletonRob Jones Maschine Member Livestream - 27th May 17.00 BST
A live demo of the main functionality and new features of Maschine MK3 (version 2.13)
Tutor: RobJonesRob Jones & Ruckspin Member Livestream - Thurs 20th May 18.00 BST
Feedback and announcement of the winning tracks from the Ruckspin Member Remix Comp.
Tutor: Producertech MembershipSeppa Member Livestream - Thursday 13TH 18.00 BST
Tips for improving an arrangement from our resident Bass Music expert! Shown in Beatwig.
Tutor: SeppaRob Jones Member Webinar - Thursday 6th May 18.00 BST
Rob shares a workflow that uses Scaler to create melodies, Drums to MIDI conversion with Loopcloud Drum for the beats and some Wavetable sound design techniques.
Tutor: RobJonesPaul Maddox Member Livestream 20th April - 18.00 BST
Techno Groove Fundamentals and live QnA.
Tutor: PaulMaddoxDom Howard aka Ruckspin Member Livestream 23rd March 18.00 GMT
Dom walks through his track 'Over You', used for the subsequent Producertech Member Remix Comp.
Simon Shackleton Member Livestream 4th March - 18.00 GMT
Simon's first stream, walking through some of his recent work and breaking down various compositional and arrangement techniques, as well as focussing on some of his epic beats production.
Tutor: simonshackletonRob Jones Member Livestream March 16th - 18.00 GMT
Feedback on member fat beats submissions and some more fat beat creation!
Tutor: RobJones