Forum Activity for @petter

08/17/24 09:11:52AM
100 posts

8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment


@Paddy  That's a killer track! 

@Sam  Thanks! :D Sometimes the music takes me in strange directions - but I like how it turned out, even if it's not really a dance track ... I'm hearing a lot of stuff now I would like to fix though ... will see if I have time and can manage to sort it!

Yeah, really cool how much you can actually do with only a few tracks, but then limitations always fuels creativity. Cool challenge!

08/09/24 05:57:38PM
100 posts

New house track - Briannas Musings

Let us hear you!

Thanks Sam!

Yeah, I wish that was me playing - and honestly I did try actually, but turns out I'm not an organ player :D  So the organ part is a collection of samples, tuned, layered, chopped and processed. 

08/09/24 05:43:53PM
100 posts

8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment


First attempt at this challenge, and honestly not sure what genre this ended up as … I started out with the intent of a melodic dubstep track, but then those vocals happened and it all turned rather sinister … now feels more like it ended up as some kind of dark alt indie pop electronica rather than ‘electronic dance music of some kind’ … At least it isn’t David Essex … :D

Interesting challenge though, really makes you think about your sound selection!

My 8 tracks;

1 Kick; sample, used a separate AUX track for some parallel processing on this one (since I'm on Logic and can't do racks).

2 Snare; sample, also used some instances in reverse for FX and doubled on kicks for impact.

3 Hats; loop, so hope this one is approved as ‘one sound’, chopped and filtered throughout.

4 Bass; layered sub and midrange into one, filtered and also uses an AUX track for parallel processing and extra width.

5 Vocals; pieced together and layered a collection of adlibs, lead vox, bgv and doubles all from same kit/vocalist on Loopcloud and bounced into one final accapella track. Hope this is within rules.

6 Acoustic guitar; one finger picked clean part, and one strummed with added distortion pedal

7 Synth keys; sustained bass line, chord stabs and a little topline melody on top - all in one MIDI track (using velocity and EQ for volume balance).

8 Synth strings pad; base chords + occasional high note in drops.

I’m pretty happy with the composition part, but I’m sure there are plenty to be improved when it comes to the production … 

Speaking of which, I’m quite liking the ‘warm’ tone of this current mix (and it looks decent in the analyzer/reference too) but I’m not sure if my ears fool me and it’s just still a bit muddy …. Anyone care to chip in?

08/09/24 05:38:40PM
100 posts

8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment


Nice one Sam, great vibe!

07/26/24 08:24:05PM
100 posts

8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment


@simon-unsigned : My understanding is that different states of a sound/instruments should be within the rules (open/closed hat, various pitch of conga etc), so a pure hi hat loop should be fine. A top loop with several percussive instruments would probably not be though. 

Vocals is an interesting one ... really think there's a lot of leeway there ... no idea how to restrict it tbh, except when obviously stacking them up on several tracks of course.

07/26/24 08:08:28PM
100 posts

New house track - Briannas Musings

Let us hear you!

Thanks a lot!! 
Yeah, I tried to keep it rather close to the reference, which is a pretty odd cool tune tbh, so structure and arrangement is rather more static than I usually prefer.

Anyway, implemented a few of your suggestions, some very subtle synths and a few reverse organ reverbs. Think it works, but not sure I want to add anything more, as it kind of detracts to the minimalist feel imo ...

07/20/24 09:40:01AM
100 posts

8 TRACK ATTACK! New Member Assignment


This should be interesting ... 

Just to clarify;
We are good on the use of AUX tracks? As you pointed out in the livestream, in Ableton you can set up racks with multiple parallel fx chains on individual tracks, but in most other DAWs this is done using AUX tracks instead. We should be able to use it, right?

And then we have to use AUX for reverbs and such as well, since inserts will always have them before the fx.

07/18/24 05:42:31PM
100 posts

New house track - Briannas Musings

Let us hear you!

This has been in the works for a while - started before the banger challenge, and I considered it for my entry there. It is heavily inspired by Jaydee's classic 'Plastic Dreams' (another 90's), but ultimately I decided it was not banging enough, so went with that other stuff ...

Appreciate all feedback as usual :D

07/05/24 07:57:17AM
100 posts

Build a Banger - Member Assignment


Video is taken down for copyright reasons where I live scared
