Forum Activity for @ptmembership

08/19/22 04:38:52PM
459 posts

Paul Maddox Livestream Thursday 25th August 18.00 BST - House & Techno Groove Fundamentals


Excited to have Paul return to the community for this! Always packed with great pro tips and tricks. Def one to watch! If you have any questions, Paul will start a thread in the Livestreams category in advance of the stream where you can post them, or of course join in live and ask in real time!
08/11/22 01:39:32PM
459 posts

Member Livestream Tuesday 16th August 2022 - 18.00 BST


Join Rob Jones for our next member livestream for news, tips and tricks, giveaways and lots more! Click the LIVESTREAMS menu option for the link...
08/04/22 03:26:33PM
459 posts

Summer Challenge 2022 - Sound Design


A new summer challenge for members has been uploaded to the Downloads section, this one on sound design. You can find instructions and a selection of samples in there. The basic aim is to create a track using just one of the samples!

If you have any more questions, you can drop them on this thread. There'll be a prize for the best entry (details soon), awarded towards the end of the year, as well as a livestream on the 16th August with Rob Jones, to properly introduce the assignment and go through some recommended techniques.

Feel free to post any entries you have on here, and/or send them to Have fun!
08/02/22 12:34:52PM
459 posts

New track - Citrus Voices

Let us hear you!

Good work! Genre is listed as chillout though?!?

Some great moments in there! Nice groove at the start. Love the contrasting sections, with the vocals for example. I felt like you could have simplified things in certain parts though and made more of the great ideas you've got in there, rather than simply combining them all (the most minimal parts of the track are my favourite personally because they make for an easier listen).

Also, you could aim for a little more flow generally - the FX sound you have is good to help smooth transitions, but you could have some more fills and perhaps develop parts a bit more to lead in and out of sections, so things aren't happening so abruptly.

Nice work overall though :)
07/19/22 11:56:20AM
459 posts

Jafunk Bass Masterclass Livestream 19.07.2022


Excited to see this! I hope people can make the earlier time....
07/18/22 01:40:13PM
459 posts

New Synthwave Track: Maria, Its 1984

Let us hear you!


So retro!! Definitely an interesting combination with the mainstream vocals. Takes it in a really nice direction. Lush :)

Got quite a few members who make Synthwave so you should get some interest from the community I would think.
07/18/22 01:37:05PM
459 posts

Jafunk Livestream TOMORROW @ 14.00 UK TIME!


Bassline Masterclass coming at PT Members tomorrow at 14.00 BST. Click the Livestreams menu option to join......
07/07/22 11:26:30PM
459 posts

Learn to use Modes

Member Content Requests

Tutorials up now in the Bonus Tutorials Section - Enjoy!
07/04/22 10:00:20PM
459 posts

Learn to use Modes

Member Content Requests

Some interesting music theory tutorials on the way to members this week... watch this space...
06/25/22 07:40:09PM
459 posts



Hello Rob,

after permission in yesterdays Livestream from Brenden, I've uploaded the song also onto my soundcloud account. You said we should give you the links to it, so that you can make a playlist. Here we are:

Thanks again for your positive feedback and that I could make it to the top.


Thanks for this Paddy! Playlist is created. Please send your tracks everyone else if and when you have them then we can add them in....