Bitwig Studio

3 years ago
2 posts

Since I started migrating from Ableton Live to Bitwig Studio, it would be very nice to find content that supports this platform :)

3 years ago
453 posts

Hey! What's the reason for migrating out of interest? We don't have a lot of Bitwig content right now, but there are a few bits here and there. Seppa has done some livestreams with it, like this one:

Renegade Seven
Renegade Seven
2 years ago
18 posts

Congrats on picking up Bitwig. I just started using Renoise and my first DAW was FL Studio.

Even though tutorials use different DAWs, the concepts can be applied to the DAW you are using. I find this allows you to deep dive and discover new things for your unique workflow. The basic's can be learned from the applications website and select Youtube vids.


updated by @renegadeseven: 01/02/23 11:01:21PM
2 years ago
2 posts

Apologies for the late reply, I was busy kicking off the New Year :D. HNY by the way ;)

There were a few reasons to go Bitwig.

I ran Live on my main DAW and a laptop. When I needed to add a third machine for DMX lighting control, I would have exceeded the max computer count for a single license. While I had 5 or 6 Lite licenses lying around, those would not solve the issue, as the number of scenes was severely limited. So I had to fork out money anyway and Bitwig was the new kid on the block, so why not give it a try.

Long story short: The Bitwig devs are ex-Ableton, so many things were easy to understand and adapt. At this point Bitwig became an alternative and then I discovered a few more things:

- Eurorack integration: Easy as pie and feels much more native. Granted, Ableton then delivered CV tools by now, but Bitwig is just a few steps ahead.
- The Grid: Basically a modular system within Bitwig. Perfect match with everything Eurorack.
- Modulators: The ability to attach modulators to Bitwig things and plugins

And that´s when I decided to go Bitwig with the new machine, gradually switching over on the other two as well.


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