3 years ago
101 posts
Sounds like an obvious question/discussion, so apologies if this duplicates another thread somewhere.
Would be interested to know what.hardware people use/recommend (or even dislike).
I've started using a digitkt for drums and loving the hands on feel. Only to put initial beats in as separate audio tracks to them manipulate via my DAW.
I definitely feel this is the way to help me find my own identity or production process.
Would love to hear what other's are into...
3 years ago
459 posts
There was a post a while back about controllers....

Some recommendations of mine would be:

• Ableton Push (just for Ableton Live though obvs)
• NI Maschine (for performance/finger drumming especially)
• Novation Launchpad (again just Ableton though)
• Novation Circuit - such a great bit of hardware, loads of fun, can be used without a computer, even used to run on batteries!


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