Joerg W
Joerg W
Joerg W

Ellie Dixon Remix

album: Challenges
genre: Funk
streams: 126

Ellie Dixon Remix


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09/18/21 06:52:43PM @223:
It is nice to hear what other do with material. Nice.
10/04/21 02:22:33PM @alvmartin:
Loving this vibes! great entry!!
Sam T Rajkumar
10/09/21 09:32:32AM @sam-t-rajkumar:
I like the the sound of the drums in this track.. has that oldschool feel good vibe
10/11/21 07:56:04AM @kampfusbeke:
Pretty original and still close to the original track. Love the vibes!
DJ Magnus
10/26/21 04:06:06PM @djmagnus:
Nice vibe/sounds... Well done!