Reverb and Delay

8 months ago
228 posts


I was wondering if you had any plans for doing a course/content for showing how delay and reverbs work. I feel there's a lot of waffle on online forums, so it would great to have your focused approach to learning to it.

8 months ago
101 posts

Yeah sounds like a great idea Sam - There are so many plugins that work through different frequency ranges, and Id be keen to get my head around the principles better, so I can make more basic plugins with EQ settings work as well..

8 months ago
408 posts

There are beefy lessons on Reverb and Delay in our new Beginner's Guide to Effects, out next week joyful-2

Also, if you do a search for Reverb or Delay on this site, you'll find some nice bonus member tutorials on both effects...

7 months ago
228 posts

Ah brilliant. I've just seen that the Beginners Guide to Effects course is out! Gonna enrol & get cracking in-love-2


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