Recommending Output thermal

last year
228 posts

I have used many many plugins over the years and i personally think output thermal is probably the best effect plugin i have ever used. It just gives things such an unbelievably fatness and crunch, with some killer presets. I use it for literalyl everything (pretty much on every track - along with RC-20). I really recommend people get it!

last year
228 posts

Furthermore, I've just used a couple presets while doing some home mastering - really nice at giving a lovely tape crunch (and means you don't need to buy a single purpose saturator - if you haven't already got one.

last year
101 posts

Nice to hear @tamlinspeaks. I bought this a while ago and failed to get much out of it. Will keep trying...

last year
228 posts

I use it almost exclusively for drums - sorry should have made that clear!

last year
101 posts

Cool - just listening to your soundcloud. Love those crunchy drums.  Do you use thermal on an overall drums bus, as well or just on individual parts?

11 months ago
228 posts

thanks! appreciate it. I almost always use it on the bus/group so i get a uniform sound across the drums. also gives you a sort of 'sampled' sound for the drums, which i like a lot


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